Basic PAYE Tools: how to use with Linux operating systems
Use this guide if you’re having problems running Basic PAYE Tools on a Linux operating system and need help to install the files.
This guide explains how to get Basic PAYE Tools (version 22.0 onwards) to work on a Linux operating system.
Updates to this page
Welsh translation added.
We have updated this guide for Basic Pay As You Earn (PAYE) Tools (BPT) version 22.0 onwards.
Guidance updated with 2020 to 2021 year changes in English and Welsh.
Welsh version of guidance added.
The 'Basic PAYE Tools - Linux installation help' has been updated to version 19.0, including updates to the Linux software code and information about when an error occurs when running the installer.
The Linux software code under the heading 'Additional dependencies for 64-bit Linux' has been updated.
Annual updates for 2017 to 2018 have been carried out.
Revised PDF published.
Guide updated to version 15.0 October 2014.
First published.