Government 5 a day logo
Government 5 a day logo licensing guidelines and application forms.
The government recommends that we eat at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables every day. This advice is based on epidemiological evidence that shows an association between the consumption of more than 400g a day of fruit and vegetables and a reduced risk of certain diet related chronic diseases, such as heart disease, stroke and some cancers.
A suite of government 5 a day logos has been developed to promote the 5 a day message and help increase consumption of fruit and vegetables. There are 2 types of government 5 a day logo:
- a communications logo, for general 5 a day communications and promotional activity
- a commercial logo for use on product labelling
The government 5 a day logo may not be used without a licence from the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID).
To get a license you will need to:
- read the licensing guidelines, which includes criteria an organisation or company must meet to be granted a licence, the conditions for the use of the government 5 a day logo when licensed by OHID
- complete the application form
For further information contact the government 5 a day logo licensing administrator at
Updates to this page
In the ‘Application process’ section of ‘Government 5 a day logo: licensing guidelines’, we’ve added a link to the page where users can download the application form.
Published an accessible application form and changed lead organisation to OHID (from PHE).
First published.