Government 5 a day logo: licensing guidelines
Updated 18 October 2024
Government healthier eating messaging
The government recommends that we eat at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables per day. This is based on epidemiological evidence indicating an association between the consumption of more than 400g a day of fruit and vegetables with a reduced risk of certain diet related chronic diseases, such as heart disease, stroke and some cancers.
The Eatwell Guide pictorially depicts the types and proportions of food groups that constitute a healthy diet consistent with government recommendations, based on advice from the Committee on Medical Aspects of Food and Nutrition Policy (COMA) and the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN). This indicates we should eat at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables every day. The Eatwell Guide includes messaging about eating at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables.
For more information see the NHS guidance 5 a day: what counts?
Government 5 a day logo
The government 5 a day logo has been developed to help people recognise the 5 a day message and to introduce consistency in the message in all settings.

There are 2 types of government 5 a day logo:
- a communications logo, for general 5 a day communications and promotional activity
- a commercial logo for use on product labelling
The government 5 a day logo may not be reproduced without a licence from the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID). This document sets out the criteria a person, company or organisation must meet to be granted a licence, and the conditions for the use of the government 5 a day logo when licensed by OHID.
Nothing in this document or any other associated documents construes compliance with any legal requirements in relation to the product, product labelling or promotional material. It is the responsibility of the licensee to ensure that any such legal requirements are met.
Application process
A licence application needs to be completed for promotional material and/or products for which you wish to use the government 5 a day logo.
The application form requires the following to be completed by all applicants:
- information about the applicant’s organisation
- promotional information
The application form is available to download at Government 5 a day logo.
For communication purposes
There is a separate section of the application form if you wish to use the government 5 a day logo on generic promotional material which is not specific to a product or range of products.
The government 5 a day ‘at least’, ‘1 portion’ and ‘2 portion’ communications logos may be used on promotional materials such as printed leaflets, recipe cards, website information, different forms of advertising, point-of-sale or point-of-choice materials, company premises and transport, and promotional items such as carrier bags and posters.
In addition, the government 5 a day logo may be used in connection with non-food products, for example, electrical juicers, steamers and so on, where the 5 a day message is promoted.
For commercial purposes
The government 5 a day ‘1 portion’ or ‘2 portions’ commercial logos are for use on pack.
There are separate application sections depending on the product category, for example, fruit and vegetables, juices, beans and pulses, which the government 5 a day logo can be used in conjunction with. Complete the relevant form for your product category or categories.
If an organisation wishes to use the government 5 a day in conjunction with a range of products - for example, a range of fruit juices - you need to complete just one application form, provided that it contains all the relevant information. You do not need to complete a separate application form for each product.
Send the completed application form to OHID by email to or post to:
5 a day license administrator
Dietary Improvement Team
Diet, Obesity and Healthy Behaviours Directorate
Office for Health Improvement and Disparities
39 Victoria Street
Your application will be reviewed and initial contact will be made with you within one week of submitting your application.
Any queries and anomalies will be resolved as quickly as possible.
You will be informed in writing whether or not the application has been approved.
If your application is approved, you will be sent one copy of a licensing agreement. This agreement is a legally binding agreement between OHID and the applicant. The copy must be signed by a senior member of staff who is authorised to do so on behalf of the organisation, and returned to OHID. The agreement will then be signed by OHID and a copy will be sent to your organisation to be retained for your own information.
Once a signed copy of the licensing agreement has been received by OHID, you will be sent the master artwork for the logos.
A copy of your final artwork for any materials containing the government 5 a day logo and any accompanying text must be submitted to OHID, either electronically or by post.
Should you wish to extend the scope of your licence to include additional products or material, please inform OHID, either electronically or by post.
The licence agreement is valid from January to December; a new licence agreement will be sent to you automatically each year for renewal.
OHID reserves the right to suspend the licence pending amendment of artwork and/or text if these do not meet the relevant 5 a day licensing guidelines.
If you are dissatisfied or disagree with any decision about a licence application, please submit details of your complaint by email to or post to:
5 a day license administrator
Dietary Improvement Team
Diet, Obesity and Healthy Behaviours Directorate
Office for Health Improvement and Disparities
39 Victoria Street
Terms and conditions
The government 5 a day logo may only be used by persons, companies or organisations that have been granted a licence by OHID.
OHID reserves the right to withdraw approval to any organisation to be licensed to use the government 5 a day logo. Upon any such withdrawal, the organisation must immediately stop using the government 5 a day logo on all products, and/or promotional material.
An organisation must immediately stop using the government 5 a day logo if the product’s specification changes. In such instances the product must be resubmitted for approval.
Any use of the government 5 a day logo that might contravene the conditions laid down in these licensing guidelines shall be referred to OHID.
OHID reserves the right to vary the conditions set out in these licensing guidelines without prior notice.
Misuse or misrepresentation of the government 5 a day logo may result in legal proceedings being instigated.
The government 5 a day logo must not be used in respect of fruit and vegetables which:
- are specifically excluded - see ‘Products which may not be promoted with the government 5 a day logo’ section in the ‘Nutrition-related criteria’ chapter
- do not meet the requirements as set out in the ‘General criteria’ and ‘Nutrition-related criteria’ chapters
The government 5 a day logo must not be used in any way that might mislead the purchaser or general public about the content of a product in respect of fruit and vegetables.
The government 5 a day logo must not be used in such a way as to suggest that OHID, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), or any other government department or organisation has approved the product, or accepts responsibility for any product labelling or promotional material.
General criteria
The government 5 a day logo must be displayed only in the appropriate form, size and colours as described in the graphic guidelines.
The government 5 a day logo may not be used on products specifically aimed at children. This includes products marketed specifically at children, but not necessarily all products consumed by children.
The exception is use of the government 5 a day logo on fruit and vegetables supplied as part of the School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme.
The government 5 a day logo may be used in conjunction with other fruit and vegetable schemes promoting the benefits of eating at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables a day, provided that the schemes meet the general and nutrition-related criteria of this document and the requirements of the graphic guidelines.
The government 5 a day logo must not be associated with claims on the nutritional quality of a product compared to another product.
No information on pack may suggest that a single product alone can enable people to achieve the 5 a day target.
No information may suggest that individual fruit and vegetable products are any better than any other fruit and vegetable products in terms of the 5 a day message.
The government 5 a day logo may only be used when:
- the key government 5 a day messages are reflected – for example, portion size, variety, frequency
- UK recommendations for a healthy, balanced diet are reflected
- the information does not suggest that the government 5 a day logo endorses particular products
- suggested portion sizes in promotional materials for consumers must reflect the portion sizes given in the ‘Portion equivalents for consumer information’ chapter
Pictures of meals with fruit and vegetables must reflect general healthy eating guidelines.
Information for consumers must reflect good practice in terms of hygiene (for example, washing), storage and cooking (for example, thorough boiling of kidney beans and other pulses).
Nutrition-related criteria
These nutrition-related criteria apply to the use of the government 5 a day logo on:
- promotional material
- products aimed at adults
The government 5 a day logo may only be used to promote fruit and vegetable products without any added fats, sugars or salt.
The government 5 a day logo can be used to promote fresh, chilled, frozen, canned and dried fruit and vegetables and unsweetened 100% fruit and vegetable juices and smoothies.
The government 5 a day logo may only be used to promote fruit and vegetable products that provide at least one portion per serving (see ‘Portion size of fruit and vegetables’ below). The exceptions are individual whole fresh fruit and vegetables on which the government 5 a day logo may be used and on packs of whole fruit or vegetables (where the individual fruit or vegetable provides less than one portion), provided it is accompanied by an explanation of how many of the fruit or vegetables constitutes a portion.
Promotion of the 5 a day message must be placed within the context of a healthy, balanced diet.
Reproduction of the government 5 a day logo must always be accompanied by an explanation of the portion quantity, where applicable (see examples under ‘Nutrition and health claims and 5 a day’ at the end of this section).
The explanation must indicate the number of portions (of fruit and vegetables) that a specified amount (for example, 1 serving or half a can) will provide towards the 5 a day target, together with details of the typical serving size if applicable. See examples under ‘Nutrition and health claims and 5 a day’ at the end of this section.
No information or product may state or suggest that any one product provides more than 2 portions towards the 5 a day target.
No information or product, using the government 5 a day logo, may suggest that the 5 a day target can be achieved by consuming only canned, juiced or dried products.
Portion size of fruit and vegetables
A portion is 80g. Portion sizes are ‘as consumed’ (that is without inedible skin, liquid medium and so on). This represents the minimum amount and there is no percentage leeway.
A product may not carry the government 5 a day logo unless a serving contains at least one portion of fruit or vegetables.
It is generally assumed that a variety of fruits and vegetables can make up one portion, for example, 30g tomatoes, 20g celery, 15g cucumber and 15g lettuce can make an 80g portion.
The exceptions are:
- a portion of unsweetened 100% fruit or vegetable juice is 150ml:
- where the juices are diluted, the portion of fruit and/or vegetable juice must still equal 150ml in addition to any water added. The suggested serving size must not exceed one portion of fruit or vegetable juice (150ml)
- a portion of unsweetened 100% fruit and/or vegetable smoothies is 150ml:
- where the smoothies are diluted, the portion of edible pulped fruit and/or vegetable must still equal 150ml in addition to any water added. The suggested serving size must not exceed one portion of fruit or vegetable smoothie (150ml)
- the portion size for concentrated puree products, such as tomato puree, is based on wet or reconstituted weight:
- a portion of 100% concentrated puree can count only once, even if more than one portion is consumed
- the portion size for dried fruit, including semi-dried fruit, is based on wet or reconstituted weight:
- the suggested serving size must not exceed one portion
- individual whole fresh fruit and vegetables may carry the 1 of your 5 a day government logo, for example one whole banana or carrot:
- smaller fruit may also carry the 1 of your 5 a day government logo, provided it is accompanied by an explanation of how many fruit and vegetables constitutes a portion. For example a whole fresh kiwi fruit may carry the logo even though 1 portion equals 2 whole fresh kiwi fruits. This needs to be accompanied by supporting material or communication which states that 2 kiwis contribute 1 portion of your 5 a day
For information on portion equivalents for consumer information on promotional material see the ‘Portion equivalents for consumer information’ chapter.
Fruit and vegetables that may carry the government 5 a day
All fresh, chilled, frozen, canned, dried fruit and vegetables and unsweetened 100% juice and smoothies may carry the government 5 a day logo, subject to the criteria set out in this document.
Specific criteria apply to the use of the logo on the following products:
- unsweetened 100% fruit juice or vegetable juice:
- these can only provide one portion. One portion of unsweetened 100% fruit and/or vegetable juice is 150ml
- ‘unsweetened 100% juice’ includes 100% juices that are freshly squeezed, pasteurised, concentrated or long life
- water can be added to unsweetened 100% fruit and/or vegetable juices; however a whole portion of the fruit and/or vegetable juice (that is, 150ml) must be able to be consumed in one serving. The suggested serving size must not exceed one portion of fruit/vegetable juice (150ml)
- unsweetened 100% fruit or vegetable smoothies:
- these can only provide one portion. One portion of unsweetened 100% fruit and/or vegetable smoothie is 150ml
- ‘unsweetened 100% smoothie’ includes 150ml of fruit/vegetable juice, puree, edible pulp or a combination of these
- water can be added to unsweetened 100% fruit and/or vegetable smoothies; however a whole portion of the fruit and/or vegetable smoothie (that is, 150ml) must be able to be consumed in one serving
Additives in products
Where a product has other added ingredients, such as dairy products, it will be considered a composite food and therefore will not comply with the guidelines for featuring the government 5 a day logo. However, OHID recognises that some additives are legally allowed to be added in very small amounts as processing aids and are essential for maintaining the quality of any given product. Such products can qualify for the logo. Some examples include:
- approved colours
- a small amount of oil that is added to dried fruit to prevent from sticking
- vitamin C added to restore that lost during processing
- preservative added to improve shelf life
- a small amount of fibre added to thicken smoothies and so on, but not in the quantity to make a nutrition content claim on the pack
If any additive is added in quantities above those required for processing purposes (for example, fibre) it will need to be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Limitations and exceptions for those products using the government 5 a day logo
The following can only use the 1 of your 5 a day logo:
juices and smoothies - since extraction of juice and the making of smoothies from fruits or vegetables can reduce the fibre content and releases free sugars, these are not counted as more than 1 portion in a day. Government advice is that we should limit unsweetened 100% fruit and/or vegetable juices and unsweetened fruit and/or vegetable smoothies together to a total of 150ml per day. In addition, juices and smoothies should be consumed with a meal, to reduce the impact on dental health
beans and other pulses - because their nutrient content differs from that of most vegetables it is recommended that, however much is eaten, beans and pulses should only count once. This restriction refers to beans such as haricot, butter, soya and kidney beans and includes chickpeas and lentils. The restriction does not apply to green beans, such as French beans and broad beans as these are classified as vegetables
concentrated purees - a portion of 100% concentrated puree, such as tomato puree, can only count once, even if more than 1 portion is consumed. Portion size of concentrated purees is based on wet or reconstituted weight
dried fruit - government advice is that we should consume dried fruit as part of a meal, as a dessert for example, not as a between meal snack, to reduce the impact on dental health. Dried fruit, for example, raisins, sultanas and currants where very small amounts of oil are added as a processing aid can contribute one portion, however, agreement must be sought, indicating the oil content as consumed. This also applies to dried apricots which are coated in small amounts of flour for similar reasons
Portion size of dried fruit is based on wet or reconstituted weight.
The government 5 a day logo can be used on dried fruit bars provided they contain only dried fruit and no other added ingredients. The maximum portions (of fruit and vegetables) a fruit bar can contribute is one portion, irrespective of its size or fruit content. Fruit bars containing added seeds or nuts cannot carry the government 5 a day logo.
Other fruit and vegetables that can count towards the 5 a day target are:
- root vegetables such as sweet potato, swedes, turnips, carrots and parsnips - these count as they are eaten in addition to and do not normally replace starchy staples (such as potatoes, yam, cassava, rice or pasta)
- avocados and olives
Products which may not be promoted with the government 5 a day logo
The government 5 a day logo may not be used to promote consumption of the following:
- fruit and vegetables with any added fats, sugars, or salt. These would be classified as composite products
- ‘fats’ includes any type of fat added to foods, including animal fats (such as butter and lard), vegetable oils, margarines, all types of fatty acids, including mono and polyunsaturated, trans fat and saturated fat. This restriction also applies to products containing fat, such as salad dressings and mayonnaise
- ‘sugars’ includes sucrose, glucose (dextrose), glucose syrup, fructose, maltose, lactose, honey, corn syrup, corn syrup solids or molasses
- ‘salt’ refers to sodium chloride
potatoes and other starchy ‘staples’ such as yam, cassava and plantain. These products are classified nutritionally as starchy foods. This is because when eaten as part of a meal in the UK they are generally used in place of other sources of carbohydrate or starch, such as bread, pasta or rice. As such, they have a different role to vegetables in the average diet and thus do not count towards the recommended 5 portions of fruit and vegetables per day or the government 5 a day logo scheme
nuts, seeds and coconut
marmalades and jams including reduced sugar, diabetic, extra and other fruit preserves
fruit drinks with added ingredients such as juice drinks, squashes and smoothies mixed with yoghurt. This does not include unsweetened 100% fruit and/or vegetable juice or smoothies with water
fruit and herb teas and other infusions or tonics, and wines and other alcoholic and alcohol-like drinks made from fruit and vegetables
- supplement type products, powdered concentrates, fruit and vegetable extracts
Nutrition and health claims and 5 a day
Any nutrition and health claims made must be in accordance with the EU Regulation on nutrition and health claims (1924/2006).
Examples include:
Unsweetened 100% fruit juice or vegetable juice
One serving (150ml of juice) from this carton will provide you with 1 of your 5 a day portions (of fruit and veg).
Frozen vegetables
One 80g serving from this pack will provide you with 1 of your 5 a day portions (of fruit and veg).
One serving from this pack will provide you with 1 of your 5 a day portions (of fruit and veg). Typical serving Xg.
Canned fruit or vegetables
One serving from this can will provide you with 1 of your 5 a day portions (of fruit and veg). Typical serving is X amount of a can or Xg.
Dried fruits
One serving from this pack will provide you with 1 of your 5 a day portions (of fruit and veg). Typical serving is Xg. (The weight will need to be based on wet or reconstituted weight.)
Typical serving is X pieces. (For example 3 apricots)
Portion equivalents for consumer information
Portion descriptions have been estimated for a range of fruit and vegetables. The portions relate to the approximate fresh raw weight equivalent of 80g.
Table 1: fruit
Fruit | Portion equivalent to 80g (as eaten, edible portion and drained if canned) |
Apple, dried rings | 4 rings |
Apple, fresh | 1 medium apple |
Apple, puree | 2 heaped tablespoons |
Apricot, canned | 6 halves |
Apricot, dried | 3 whole |
Apricot, fresh | 3 apricots |
Apricot, ready to eat | 3 whole |
Avocado | Half an avocado |
Banana chips | 1 handful |
Banana, fresh | 1 medium banana |
Blackberries | 1 handful (9 to 10 blackberries) |
Blackcurrants | 4 heaped tablespoons |
Blueberries | 2 handfuls (4 heaped tablespoons) |
Cherries, canned | 11 cherries (3 heaped tablespoons) |
Cherries, dried | 1 heaped tablespoon |
Cherries, fresh | 14 cherries |
Clementines | 2 clementines |
Currants, dried | 1 heaped tablespoon |
Damsons | 5 to 6 damsons |
Dates, fresh | 3 dates |
Fig, dried | 2 figs |
Fig, fresh | 2 figs |
Fruit juice | 1 x 150ml |
Fruit salad, canned | 3 heaped tablespoons |
Fruit salad, fresh | 3 heaped tablespoons |
Fruit smoothie | 1 x 150ml |
Gooseberries | 1 handful |
Grapefruit segments, canned | 3 heaped tablespoons (8 segments) |
Grapefruit, fresh | Half a grapefruit |
Grapes | 1 handful |
Kiwi fruit | 2 kiwi fruit |
Kumquat | 6 to 8 kumquats |
Lychee, canned | 6 lychees |
Lychee, fresh | 6 lychees |
Mandarin orange, canned | 3 heaped tablespoons |
Mandarin orange, fresh | 1 medium orange |
Mango | 2 slices (2 inch, 5cm slice) |
Melon | 1 slice (2 inch, 5cm slice) |
Mixed fruit, dried | 1 heaped tablespoon |
Nectarine | 1 nectarine |
Orange | 1 orange |
Passion fruit | 5 to 6 fruit |
Pawpaw (papaya), fresh | 1 slice |
Peach, canned | 2 halves or 7 slices |
Peach, dried | 2 halves |
Peach, fresh | 1 medium peach |
Peach, ready to eat | 2 halves |
Pear, canned | 2 halves or 7 slices |
Pear, dried | 2 halves |
Pear, fresh | 1 medium pear |
Pear, ready to eat | 2 halves |
Pineapple, canned | 2 rings or 12 chunks |
Pineapple, crushed | 3 tablespoons |
Pineapple, dried | 1 heaped tablespoon |
Pineapple, fresh | 1 large slice |
Plum | 2 medium plums |
Prune, canned | 6 prunes |
Prune, dried | 3 prunes |
Prune, ready to eat | 3 prunes |
Raisins | 1 tablespoon |
Raspberries, canned | 20 raspberries |
Raspberries, fresh | 2 handfuls |
Rhubarb, canned chunks | 5 chunks |
Rhubarb, cooked | 2 heaped tablespoons |
Satsuma | 2 small satsumas |
Sharon fruit | 1 sharon fruit |
Strawberry, canned | 9 strawberries |
Strawberry, fresh | 7 strawberries |
Sultanas | 1 heaped tablespoon |
Tangerine | 2 small tangerines |
Table 2: vegetables
Vegetables | Portion equivalent to 80g (as eaten, edible portion and drained if canned) |
Ackee, canned | 3 heaped tablespoons |
Artichoke | 2 globe hearts |
Asparagus, canned | 7 spears |
Asparagus, fresh | 5 spears |
Aubergine | one third of an aubergine |
Beans, black eye, cooked | 3 heaped tablespoons |
Beans, broad, cooked | 3 heaped tablespoons |
Beans, butter, cooked | 3 heaped tablespoons |
Beans, cannelloni, cooked | 3 heaped tablespoons |
Beans, French, cooked | 4 heaped tablespoons |
Beans, kidney, cooked | 3 heaped tablespoons |
Beans, runner, cooked | 4 heaped tablespoons |
Beansprouts, fresh | 2 handfuls |
Beetroot, bottled | 3 ‘baby’ whole, or 7 slices |
Broccoli | 2 spears |
Brussel sprouts | 8 Brussels sprouts |
Cabbage | One sixth of small cabbage or 2 handfuls sliced |
Cabbage, shredded | 3 heaped tablespoons |
Carrots, canned | 3 heaped tablespoons |
Carrots, fresh, slices | 3 heaped tablespoons |
Carrots, shredded | One third of a cereal bowl |
Cauliflower | 8 florets |
Celery | 3 sticks |
Chick peas | 3 heaped tablespoons |
Chinese leaves | One fifth of a head Chinese leaves |
Courgettes | Half a large courgette |
Cucumber | 2 inch (5cm) piece |
Curly kale, cooked | 4 heaped tablespoons |
Karela | Half a karela |
Leeks | 1 leek (white portion only) |
Lentils | 3 tablespoons |
Lettuce (mixed leaves) | 1 cereal bowl |
Mangetout | 1 handful |
Mixed vegetables, frozen | 3 tablespoons |
Mushrooms, button | 14 button or 3 handfuls of slices, 3 to 4 heaped tablespoons |
Mushrooms, dried | 2 tablespoons or handful porcini |
Okra | 16 medium |
Onion, dried | 1 heaped tablespoon |
Onion, fresh | 1 medium onion |
Parsnips | 1 large |
Peas, canned | 3 heaped tablespoons |
Peas, fresh | 3 heaped tablespoons |
Peas, frozen | 3 heaped tablespoons |
Pepper, canned | Half a pepper |
Pepper, fresh | Half a pepper |
Pigeon peas, canned | 3 heaped tablespoons |
Radish | 10 radishes |
Spinach, cooked | 2 heaped tablespoons |
Spinach, fresh | 1 cereal bowl |
Spring greens, cooked | 4 heaped tablespoons |
Spring onion | 8 onions |
Sugarsnap peas | 1 handful |
Swede, diced and cooked | 3 heaped tablespoons |
Sweetcorn, baby | 6 baby corn |
Sweetcorn, canned | 3 heaped tablespoons |
Sweetcorn, on the cob | 1 cob |
Tomato puree | 1 heaped tablespoon |
Tomato, canned plum | 2 whole |
Tomato, fresh | 1 medium, or 7 cherry |
Tomato, sundried | 4 pieces |
Graphic guidelines
Graphic guidelines are available as a separate document - contact
If you have any questions, contact the 5 a day licensing administrator at