Green Book supplementary guidance: climate change and environmental valuation
Supplementary guidance to the Green Book covering the consideration of natural capital and environmental impacts in policy appraisal.
The Green Book and this supplementary guidance is supported by the wider collection of accompanying guidance and materials.
Accounting for the Effects of Climate Change is Supplementary Green Book guidance. It supports the appraisal of climate risks and the necessary adaptation of policies, programmes and projects to include climate resilience and consider flexibility in decision making. Taking account of these effects is a requirement of public policies. The guidance is produced by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), in consultation with the Committee on Climate Change (CCC), the National Infrastructure Commission (NIC) and HM Treasury.
This page also signposts to wider supplementary guidance on Enabling a Natural Capital Approach (ENCA). A natural capital approach considers the value of the natural environment for people and the economy. Understanding natural capital provides a framework for improved appraisal of a range of environmental effects. Enabling a Natural Capital Approach (ENCA) resources are data, guidance and tools to help you understand natural capital and take it into account.
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Updates to this page
Minor technical update to guidance, which fixes broken links and updates old references.
New link to the Green Book and its collection of accompanying guidance and materials collection page to improve signposting.
Updated with detail: supplementary guidance on Enabling a Natural Capital Approach (ENCA).
First published.