
The Green Book and accompanying guidance

HM Treasury guidance on how to appraise policies, projects and programmes.

Introduction to the Green Book

The Green Book is the government’s guidance on options appraisal and evaluation. It supports proper consideration of the costs, benefits, and trade-offs of alternative options for delivering policy objectives. The Green Book uses the five-case model as outlined in the business case guidance for projects and programmes. This is the government’s recommended framework for developing business cases.

The Green Book is supported by supplementary guidance containing more detailed guidance on specific issues and applying the Green Book in particular contexts.

There are also templates and other supporting material to support Green Book practitioners and training available through the Better Business Cases programme.

You can sign up for the Green Book newsletter to learn more about appraisal and to hear about upcoming events. If you have any questions, please contact

The Green Book and business case guidance

Treasury Approvals Process

Supplementary guidance: departmental

Supplementary guidance: subject

Updates to this page

Published 16 November 2020
Last updated 23 August 2024 show all updates
  1. Re-upload of the ‘Agile digital and IT projects: clarification of business case guidance’ after its removal from 'The Green Book: appraisal and evaluation in central government'

  2. Various presentational changes to improve clarity, a new link to supplementary guidance on cost of fire added and an updated link to the supplementary guidance on Risk.

  3. Updated with: Transport analysis guidance.

  4. Link to the ‘Green Book supplementary guidance: competition’ updated

  5. Green Book Supplementary Guidance: Value for Money added

  6. Green Book Supplementary Document: Environmental discount rate review, conclusion added

  7. Green Book supplementary guidance: wellbeing added

  8. Addition of new supplementary guidance - project/programme outcome profile

  9. Updated with detail about Green Book guidance.

  10. Updated with link to: 'Supporting public service transformation: cost benefit analysis guidance for local partnerships'.

  11. First published.