
EU Settlement Scheme: guidance for immigration advisers

What work Immigration Advice Authority regulated organisations can carry out relating to the EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS).


Guidance for EUSS advisers on authorised work at Level 1

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EUSS Guidance November 2023

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These documents give guidance to organisations providing immigration advice related to the EU Settlement Scheme.

The 2023 versions of our Guidance for Advisers on the provision of advice and services related to the EU Settlement Scheme and Guidance for organisations providing Level 1 Immigration Advice related to the EU Settlement Scheme documents have been updated in line with Home Office Guidance on the EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS), particularly in relation to late applications.

The Home Office guidance was updated to reflect changes to the Immigration Rules, which removed the scope to seek an administrative review of an eligible decision in respect of the EU Settlement Scheme made on or after 5 October 2023 and limited circumstances in which a person can make a late application.

Updates to this page

Published 20 December 2019
Last updated 13 November 2023 + show all updates
  1. Explanation for update expanded.

  2. The EUSS guidance documents have been updated

  3. A new July 2021 Guidance Document has been added.

  4. First published.

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