
Resources for regulated organisations

This page provides a comprehensive collection of guidance notes, codes of conduct, and regulations for immigration advisers regulated by the IAA.

Codes of Standards

Guidance on competence

Summary of regulations


Continuing professional development

Client needs

Running the business

Financial guidance


Regulations for barristers and solicitors

Guidance for EUSS advisers

Presentations and training

Updates to this page

Published 7 August 2014
Last updated 8 October 2024 show all updates
  1. Links to application forms and guidance notes have been removed from the website as the OISC moves to a new online system.

  2. Added a link to registration and continued registration fees.


  4. Complaints Redirection Presentation added to the 'Presentations and Training' section.

  5. Addition of forms to apply for registration for the Level 1 EU Settlement Scheme

  6. Application forms are now collected under a single heading

  7. We have added EUSS Guidance document for advisers

  8. Added Professional Conduct Course to collection

  9. New doc added to Codes of Conduct

  10. The listings have been altered to make finding subjects easier.

  11. Added new page

  12. Added "Welcome to the OISC" page to this section

  13. Consumer Satisfaction webinar material added to collection

  14. OISC's Position on VPRS and VCRS - Request to Change Humanitarian Protection Status to Refugee Status Form

  15. Updated and HTML versions of Guidance

  16. New title; documents added to collection; HTML documents produced

  17. New practice note added.

  18. Collection updated.

  19. Collection updated.

  20. Guidance added.

  21. Collection updated.

  22. Practice note on invoicing added

  23. Guidance updated

  24. First published.