Transporting horses in horseboxes and trailers
The licences and qualifications you need to transport horses and how to keep your horses and vehicles safe.
This guide tells you about:
- driving licence rules
- operator licence rules
- qualifications you need to transport horses
- keeping your horsebox or horse trailer safe on the road
- keeping your horses safe during your journey
It aims to offer general help and is not a legal document so for full details of the law you‘ll need to refer to the relevant legislation or seek independent legal advice.
New rules for international road haulage in 2022
There will be new rules for transporting goods to or through Europe from 2022. These will affect you if you use cars and trailers, vans or heavy goods vehicles (HGVs).
Prepare for new rules for transporting goods to or through Europe
Updates to this page
Replaced the PDF with a webpage version of the guide. Updated the information and provided links on operator licences you need, drivers’ hours, qualifications you need to transport horses, and keeping your vehicles and horses safe on the road.
Added information about car and trailer driving tests ending from 20 September 2021.
First published.