
Infrastructure and Projects Authority: assurance review toolkit

Our Assurance products and guidance has been updated. Related guidance and tools are being refreshed and future revised versions will be published on an iterative basis. To ensure you are using the latest versions, you are advised to regularly access documents via this site.

The Infrastructure and Projects Authority (IPA) arranges and manages independent assurance reviews of major government projects each year.

These reviews are mainly for the central government’s most complex and high risk projects in the Government Major Projects Portfolio.

Assurance is an essential part of successful project delivery. The reviews:

  • are often required for formal HM Treasury approvals (Treasury Approval Points (TAP’s) and Major Project Review Group (MPRG)) or business case approval points
  • provide support and constructive challenge to senior responsible owners

You should use these documents if you’re doing an IPA review. You can also use these documents if you’re doing a non-IPA review, for example, any other government review or a medium risk review.

If you’re interested in becoming one of our independent assurance reviewers, refer to the guidance on how to become an assurance reviewer.

For general guidance on project delivery, refer to the guidance on project and programme management.

For any queries about assurance, email

How to use this collection

This collection contains:

  • general guidance which may apply to all reviews
  • how to undertake an assurance review
  • the right guidance or template for your review

General guidance

You may need these documents for all types of reviews. The documents will also help you understand what type of review or assurance may be suitable for your project.

How to undertake an Assurance Review

Documents designed to assist Review Team members, Programme and Project Managers/Directors and Senior Responsible Owners. This section contains supporting guidance outlining the approach leading up to and during an Assurance Review. This section also contains supporting documentation intended to assist in administering the lead up and duration of an Assurance Review.

Guidance and templates for specific types of review

Use the correct review type for the stage your project is at. Each time you use a template, you’ll also need the guide to the classification of recommendations.

Updates to this page

Published 14 July 2021
Last updated 15 July 2021
  1. Updated guidance published

  2. First published.