Research and analysis

HAIRS risk assessment: tick-borne encephalitis

Qualitative assessment of the risk that tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) virus presents to the UK human population.



Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is a viral infection involving the central nervous system in humans.

Until 2019, the causative agent, TBE virus (TBEV), was not considered to occur in the UK.

Since then infected ticks have been found to be present in defined areas of Thetford Forest in the East of England and on the border of Hampshire and Dorset; 2 probable cases of TBEV human infections have been reported in Hampshire, England.

This risk assessment was carried out to determine the level of risk to the UK human population.

Updates to this page

Published 26 September 2019
Last updated 5 April 2023 show all updates
  1. Updated research and epidemiological data, and expanded known geographical range of infected ticks in England.

  2. Replaced 2019 report with revised version.

  3. First published.

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