Hand-arm vibration syndrome and assessment of vibration exposure
Report reviewing whether the prescription for hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS / PD A11) was fit for purpose.
The Industrial Injuries Advisory Council (IIAC) decided to review whether the prescription for hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS / PD A11) was fit for purpose.
On investigation, IIAC found that there was a lack of good quality epidemiological studies which would allow for the extension of the prescribed occupations for HAVS. IIAC considered alternative approaches and as a result have recommended extending the current list of vibrating tools.
The accompanying Position paper 49 ‘Limitations of epidemiology when investigating occupations with a potential for significant vibration exposure and PD A11, hand-arm vibration syndrome’ reviews the epidemiology on HAVS in more detail and outlines its limitations with regard to some occupational groups and vibrating tools.