
Industrial Injuries Advisory Council reports

These reports examine the evidence on matters related to the Industrial Injuries Scheme.

The Industrial Injuries Advisory Council (IIAC) monitors the changing scientific evidence related to the Industrial Injuries Scheme and publishes reports of its reviews.

IIAC has set out guidance on how it evaluates evidence on health risks associated with occupational exposures.

This collection brings together:

  • command papers – reports resulting in recommendations for changes to legislation
  • position papers – reports of full reviews that do not result in a recommendation for a legislative change
  • information notes – reports of reviews if there is insufficient evidence for a position paper
  • commissioned reviews

You can view a full list of our independent reports dating back to 1950 on the National Archives website.

Command papers

If a full review results in a recommendation for a legislative change, IIAC publishes the report as a command paper.

Position papers

Position papers don’t make recommendations for a legislative change but report the council’s considered view at a particular time, taking into account the evidence available.

Information notes

If the council reviews a topic but there is insufficient evidence for a position paper, it publishes an information note online.

Commissioned reviews

IIAC commissions independent reviews of topics from time to time.

Updates to this page

Published 14 July 2014
Last updated 14 November 2024 show all updates
  1. Added link to 'Occupational Impact of COVID-19 in the Transport and Education Sectors'.

  2. Added 'Review and update of the prescription for Prescribed Disease D1 (Pneumoconiosis)' to the list of command papers.

  3. Added Command paper 868 'Hand-arm vibration syndrome and assessment of vibration exposure' and Position paper 49 'Limitations of epidemiology when investigating occupations with a potential for significant vibration exposure and PD A11, HAVS'.

  4. Added 'COVID-19 and Occupational Impacts' Command paper (CP 700).

  5. Added 'Firefighters and cancer: IIAC position paper 47' and 'COVID-19 and occupation: IIAC position paper 48'.

  6. Added a link to a Command paper (CP 216) 'Cutaneous malignant melanoma and occupational exposure to (natural) UV radiation in pilots and aircrew'.

  7. Added IIAC position papers 44: Osteoarthritis of the knee in professional football players, 45: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and coke oven workers and 46: Occupational exposure to silica or asbestos and antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) - associated vasculitis.

  8. Added 'Dupuytren’s contracture: clarification of intention and amendment of the prescription' to the list of information notes.

  9. Added 'Hand arm vibration syndrome: a review of the assessment and objective testing of the vascular component: IIAC position paper 43'.

  10. Added a link to the IIAC guidance on evaluating evidence on health risks associated with occupational exposures.

  11. Added 1 command paper - 'Diseases with multiple known causes, occupational injuries, and medical assessment (Cm 9632)', 1 information note - 'Entitlement to benefit and medical assessment within the IIDB scheme', and 2 position papers - 'Coal mining, silicosis and lung cancer (position paper 41)' and 'Occupational exposure to crystalline silica and its relation to connective tissue diseases (position paper 42)'.

  12. Added 2 information notes: (1) Non-melanoma skin cancer and occupational exposure to (natural) UV radiation (2) Occupational risks for urolithiasis.

  13. Added 6 reports: (1) Nasal carcinoma and occupational exposure to wood dust, (2) Latex anaphylaxis review, (3) Anxiety and depression in teachers and healthcare workers (position paper 37), (4) Noise, occupational deafness and Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit (position paper 38), (5) Renal cancer and occupational exposure to trichloroethylene (position paper 39) and (6) Lymphatic and haematopoietic cancers and work involving exposure to trichloroethylene (position paper 40). Items 5 and 6 were originally published as information notes in May 2017.

  14. Added 2 information notes: (1) Cadmium and rheumatoid arthritis (2) Hand-arm vibration syndrome and risk from motorcycle handlebars.

  15. Added 3 information notes: (1) Lymphatic and haematopoietic cancers and work involving exposure to trichloroethylene (2) Trichloroethylene and cervical cancer (3) Renal cancer and occupational exposure to trichloroethylene.

  16. Added 'Noise induced hearing loss and work with nailing and stapling guns: IIAC information note'.

  17. Added 3 information notes – Carpal tunnel syndrome and wrist/forearm rotation – Neurodegenerative diseases in professional sportspersons – Osteoarthritis of the knee and work in the construction industry.

  18. Added command paper – Cancers due to ionising radiation: IIAC report

  19. Added – Lung cancer and diesel exhaust emissions in miners: IIAC information note

  20. Added – Lung and bladder cancer and diesel exhaust emissions: IIAC information note

  21. Added – Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in woodworkers: IIAC information note

  22. Published Epicondylitis and occupational activity: IIAC position paper 35.

  23. Added 'Assessing disablement under the IIDB scheme: a critical review and international comparison' to commissioned reviews.

  24. Added position paper 33: Ocular melanoma and occupation

  25. Published report about the effects of treatment and the medical assessment of chronic bronchitis and emphysema (PD D12, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).

  26. First published.