Settlement – Gurkhas discharged prior to 1997: caseworker guidance
Immigration staff guidance on the discretionary policy in place for those discharged from the British Army, Brigade of Gurkhas prior to 1 July 1997.
UK Visas and Immigration guidance for staff covering the following people:
- a Gurkha who was discharged prior to 1 July 1997
- family members of a Gurkha discharged prior to 1 July 1997
- widows and orphans of a Gurkha discharged prior to 1 July 1997
- adult children of former Gurkhas
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Updates to this page
Updated guidance to incorporate Immigration Rules changes from 10 September 2024.
Updated guidance document. New guidance accompanies changes to the immigration rules being implemented on 5 October 2023 to enable pre-97 Gurkhas and Hong Kong military veterans and their family members to apply for settlement under the immigration rules. Previously, only Gurkhas were able to apply for settlement using a leave outside the rules.
PDF updated - guidance no longer requires applicants to provide DNA evidence.
First published.