Promotional material

Social media messages

Updated 26 February 2025

We’ve developed a range of assets and accompanying messages for you to feature on your organisation’s social media sites. The messages can be personalised as necessary to feature messaging relevant to your organisation and the support you can offer.

We recommend you feature a mix of messaging directed to impacted people and to their family and friends to maximise the number of people we reach and support.

1. Social media for impacted people

Option Link with asset Wording on asset Key messages
1 Asset 1 Don’t miss out. Home Responsibilities Protection may increase your State Pension If you’re missing Home Responsibilities Protection (HRP) from your National Insurance record, it could be affecting your State Pension. Find out more and complete our eligibility checker at
2 Asset 2 or 3 Did you receive Child Benefit before May 2000? You may be missing Home Responsibilities Protection (HRP) if you claimed Child Benefit before May 2000. Don’t miss out – check if you can claim here
3 Asset 2 or 3 Did you receive Child Benefit before May 2000? Check if you can claim missing Home Responsibilities Protection (HRP). It may increase your State Pension. Find out more and complete the eligibility checker.
4 Asset 4 Did you get Child Benefit between 1978 and 2000? If you claimed Child Benefit before May 2000, you could be missing Home Responsibilities Protection (HRP) from your NI record. Claiming now may increase your State Pension. Find out more and complete our eligibility checker to see if you can make a claim

2. Social media for family and friends

Option Link with asset Wording on asset Key messages
1 Asset 5 or 6 Do you know someone who received Child Benefit before 2000? Anyone who received Child Benefit before this date may be missing Home Responsibilities Protection (HRP) from their NI record. Claiming this could raise the amount of State Pension they are entitled to. Find out more and support them in checking their eligibility.
2 Asset 5 or 6 Do you know someone who received Child Benefit before 2000? If you know someone who received Child Benefit between 1978 and 2000, they might be entitled to missing Home Responsibilities Protection (HRP) which could increase their State Pension. Find out more and complete our eligibility checker to see if they can make a claim.
3 Asset 7 Check if family and friends are eligible to claim missing Home Responsibilities Protection (HRP) Do you know someone who received Child Benefit between 1978 and 2000? If so, they might be missing Homes Responsibilities Protection (HRP) which may increase their State Pension. Find out more and complete our eligibility checker to see if they can make a claim
4 Asset 8 Do you know someone who got Child Benefit between 1978 and 2000? If they’re not getting a full State Pension, it could be because they missed out on Home Responsibilities Protection (HRP). If this is the case, adding HRP could increase their State Pension. Find out more and support them to complete the eligibility checker