
Hospital discharge and community support: staff action cards

These action cards summarise the responsibilities of health and care staff in the hospital discharge process.

Applies to England



The key messages for all staff and action cards for all roles are in an accessible format and also in individual PDF documents.

These action cards set out what specific teams and roles need to do to follow hospital discharge and community support guidance:

  • medical staff (doctors)
  • matron, ward manager (nurse in charge)
  • acute therapy teams
  • bedded rehabilitation (therapies)
  • adult social care teams
  • local system commissioners
  • managers of the discharge team
  • members of the discharge team
  • single coordinator
  • case manager
  • transfer of care hub

Updates to this page

Published 21 August 2020
Last updated 27 October 2022 show all updates
  1. Updated the HTML document by removing the key messages for all staff and put this section into a new HTML document. Amended the detail section to explain that the HTML document contains all the action cards. Amended the title to 'Hospital discharge and community support: staff action cards'

  2. These action cards have been updated to reflect changes in the updated 'Hospital discharge and community support guidance' document. The action cards have also been published as 11 separate action cards in PDF format.

  3. Deleted the action cards PDF and added a call out to reflect the action cards are out of date and should not be used. Updated cards will be published soon.

  4. Updated the key messages for all staff to include a link to 'Coronavirus (COVID-19): admission and care of people in care homes', which has guidance on isolation requirements for care home residents returning from hospital.

  5. The staff action cards have been updated to add single coordinator, case manager and transfer of care hub to the list of roles.

  6. First published.

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