Promotional material

Leaving hospital to go home: patient leaflet

Leaflet given to patients before they're discharged to their usual place of residence.



The leaflet is shown to patients before they’re discharged from hospital to go home.

The editable PDF allows specific contact details to be added in case patients need to speak to someone after leaving hospital.

Updates to this page

Published 21 August 2020
Last updated 10 August 2022 show all updates
  1. Added updated translations and the easy read version.

  2. Updated to reflect changes to hospital discharge guidance following the end of the national discharge fund.

  3. Updated to add a call out to reflect the leaflet is out of date and should not be used; deleted the PDF, PowerPoint, easy read and translated versions of the leaflet. An updated leaflet will be published soon.

  4. Added translations and accessible version of leaflet.

  5. First published.

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