
Housing Benefit circulars affecting guidance manuals

A list of Housing Benefit circulars and the guidance manual chapters they relate to.



The Housing Benefit guidance manual is updated frequently through Housing Benefit ‘A circulars’. Please read any relevant circulars in conjunction with the guidance manual.

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Published 7 November 2013
Last updated 28 March 2025 show all updates
  1. Added reference to HB circular A5/2025 to HB guidance manual chapters it affects: eligible rent, calculating benefit and assessment of needs.

  2. Updated to include A4/2025 under A4, A5, BP3 and BW3.

  3. Added 'A6/2024' Housing Benefit circulars affecting guidance manuals to BP2 - Assessment of income and BW2 - Assessment of income.

  4. Added A1/2024 to BP1 and BW1: Assessment of capital, to 'Housing Benefit circulars affecting guidance manuals'.

  5. Added 'A8/2023' to chapters A4 – Eligible rent, A5 – Calculating benefit and also BW3 – Assessment of needs to the list of Housing Benefit circulars affecting guidance manuals.

  6. Updated 'Housing Benefit circulars affecting guidance manual': Chapters A4, A5,BW1, BW2, BW3 and C4.

  7. Added 'A7/2023' to chapter C4 in the list of Housing Benefit circulars affecting guidance manuals.

  8. Added 'A9/2021’' to chapter C4 in the list of Housing Benefit circulars affecting guidance manuals.

  9. Added 'A1/2021(revised)' to chapters A4 and A5 in the list of Housing Benefit circulars affecting guidance manuals.

  10. Updated the list of Housing Benefit circulars and the guidance manual chapters they relate to.

  11. Added latest circulars to list - up to Apr 2014.

  12. Latest circulars added to list.

  13. First published.

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