Housing Loss Prevention Advice Services (HLPAS) and Housing and Debt services from August 2023
Information for organisations interested in delivering Housing Loss Prevention Advice Services and Housing and Debt services.
Applies to England and Wales
Latest Updates
8 August 2023 - Notice of outcome: Housing Loss Prevention Advice Services (HLPAS)
We have today published the outcome for the recent procurement process for the Housing Loss Prevention Advice Services. A list of successful providers can be found in the ‘documents’ section at the top of this page.
Previous Updates
11 April 2023 - Further HLPAS procurement process opens
The Legal Aid Agency (“LAA”) is inviting tenders for Schedules to deliver publicly funded Housing Loss Prevention Advice Services (“HLPAS”) in 11 HLPAS areas comprising of one or multiple courts across England and Wales.
Successful Applicants will be awarded a HLPAS Schedule to provide HLPAS Contract Work from 1 September 2023 until 31 August 2024.
This procurement process is separate to those which opened on 17 November 2022 and 6 February 2023 and closed at 12pm on 19 December 2022 and 12pm on 1 March 2023. This procurement process seeks to identify organisations wishing to deliver HLPAS in a small number of areas only, where the LAA did not receive compliant bids.
Applicants who have already tendered to deliver HLPAS Contract Work do not need to tender through this procurement process unless they wish to bid to deliver HLPAS, and, where relevant, Housing and Debt Contract Work in the areas covered by this procurement process.
What are Applicants tendering for?
HLPAS contract work will allow providers to deliver early legal advice in social welfare law alongside the in-court duty scheme (previously HPCDS). The HLPAS tender is the opportunity to deliver this new service.
The HLPAS areas covered under this process are:
- Birkenhead
- Cheltenham, Gloucester
- Crewe
- Dartford
- Hull
- Leicester
- Liverpool
- Salisbury, Swindon
- Southampton
- Telford
- Wigan
The deadline for submitting tenders for this procurement process is 12pm on 28 April 2023.
To undertake HLPAS contract work, Applicants must hold a Housing and Debt contract so Applicants must currently hold a 2018 Housing and Debt contract or be awarded one through this procurement process at the Office(s) from which they are bidding. Therefore, the LAA is also inviting tenders for the delivery of Housing and Debt contract work to support the delivery of the HLPAS.
Applicants should note that to be eligible to tender for a 2018 Housing and Debt contract as part of this procurement process they must also submit a compliant tender to deliver HLPAS contract work.
The LAA intend to award one contract for each HLPAS area. The LAA are offering an unlimited number of contracts for Housing and Debt services in each procurement area.
Further Information
The Deadline for submitting a tender for this procurement process is 12pm on 28 April 2023. The Information for Applicants (IFA) documents are available in the ‘documents’ section at the top of this page. The IFAs provide full details about the procurement processes, including the requirements that Applicants must meet.
Contract documentation is available on the Standard civil contract 2018 page.
Tender responses must be submitted using the LAA’s eTendering system
A helpline has been set up to support you if you have technical problems with the e-Tendering system: help@bravosolutions.co.uk ; 0800 069 8630.
If you have any questions about the procurement process or the content of the IFA documents, these must be raised through the e-Tendering system by 23:59 on 18 April 2023.
Questions of wider interest will be collated and answered through a frequently asked questions document which will be published on this webpage during the week commencing 17 April 2023.
10 February 2023 - Publication of a notice to amend the HLPAS Information for Applicants (‘IFA’) for services in England and Wales from 1 August 2023.
We have today issued an amendment notice to the HLPAS Information for Applicants (‘IFA’) for services in England and Wales from 1 August 2023.
This notice and amended version of the IFA can be found in the ‘documents’ section at the top of this page.
Applicants are required to refer to IFA Version 4.
6 February 2023 - Supplemental HLPAS procurement process opens
The Legal Aid Agency (“LAA”) is inviting tenders for Schedules to deliver publicly funded Housing Loss Prevention Advice Services (“HLPAS”) in 12 HLPAS areas comprising of one or multiple courts across England and Wales.
Successful Applicants will be awarded a HLPAS Schedule to provide HLPAS Contract Work from 1 August 2023 until 31 August 2024.
This procurement process is separate to the one which opened on 17 November and closed at 12pm on 19 December 2022. This procurement process seeks to identify organisations wishing to deliver HLPAS in a small number of areas only, where the LAA did not receive compliant bids.
Applicants who have already tendered to deliver HLPAS Contract Work do not need to tender through this procurement process unless they wish to bid to deliver HLPAS, and, where relevant, Housing and Debt Contract Work in the areas covered by this procurement process.
What are Applicants tendering for?
HLPAS contract work will allow providers to deliver early legal advice in social welfare law alongside the in-court duty scheme (previously HPCDS). The HLPAS tender is the opportunity to deliver this new service.
The HLPAS areas covered under this process are:
- Bedford
- Birkenhead
- Crewe
- Darlington
- Dartford
- Durham
- High Wycombe
- Hull
- Liverpool
- Teesside
- Telford
- Wigan
The deadline for submitting tenders for this procurement process is 12pm on 1 March 2023.
To undertake HLPAS contract work, Applicants must hold a Housing and Debt contract so Applicants must currently hold a 2018 Housing and Debt contract or be awarded one through this procurement process at the Office(s) from which they are bidding. Therefore, the LAA is also inviting tenders for the delivery of Housing and Debt contract work to support the delivery of the HLPAS.
Applicants should note that to be eligible to tender for a 2018 Housing and Debt contract as part of this procurement process they must also submit a compliant tender to deliver HLPAS contract work.
The LAA intend to award one contract for each HLPAS area. The LAA are offering an unlimited number of contracts for Housing and Debt services in each procurement area.
Further Information
The Deadline for submitting a tender for this procurement process is 12pm on 1 March 2023. The Information for Applicants (IFA) documents are available in the ‘documents’ section at the top of this page. The IFAs provide full details about the procurement processes, including the requirements that Applicants must meet.
Contract documentation is available on the Standard civil contract 2018 page.
Tender responses must be submitted using the LAA’s eTendering system
A helpline has been set up to support you if you have technical problems with the e-Tendering system: help@bravosolutions.co.uk ; 0800 069 8630.
If you have any questions about the procurement process or the content of the IFA documents, these must be raised through the e-Tendering system by 23:59 on 17 February 2023.
Questions of wider interest will be collated and answered through a frequently asked questions document which will be published on this webpage during the week commencing 20 February 2023.
9 December 2022 – Frequently Asked Questions document relating to the procurement process for Housing Loss Prevention Advice Services (HLPAS) and Housing and Debt services from August 2023 published.
We have published a Frequently Asked Questions document relating to the procurement process for Housing Loss Prevention Advice Services (HLPAS) and Housing and Debt services from August 2023 which can be found in the documents section at the top of this page.
Applicants are reminded that the deadline for submitting a tender is 12pm on 19 December 2022.
8 December 2022 - Publication of a notice to amend the HLPAS Information for Applicants (‘IFA’) for services in England and Wales from 1 August 2023.
We have today issued an amendment notice to the HLPAS Information for Applicants (‘IFA’) for services in England and Wales from 1 August 2023.
This notice and amended version of the IFA can be found in the ‘documents’ section at the top of this page.
Applicants are required to refer to IFA Version 3 when preparing their Tender.
30 November 2022 - Publication of a notice to amend the HLPAS Information for Applicants (‘IFA’) for services in England and Wales from 1 August 2023.
We have today issued an amendment notice to the HLPAS Information for Applicants (‘IFA’) for services in England and Wales from 1 August 2023.
This notice and amended version of the IFA can be found in the ‘documents’ section at the top of this page.
Applicants are required to refer to IFA Version 2 when preparing their Tender.
17 November 2022 – HLPAS procurement process opens
The Legal Aid Agency (“LAA”) is inviting tenders for Schedules to deliver publicly funded Housing Loss Prevention Advice Services (“HLPAS”) in 103 HLPAS areas comprising of one or multiple courts across England and Wales.
Successful Applicants will be awarded a HLPAS Schedule to provide HLPAS Contract Work from 1 August 2023 until 31 August 2024.
What are Applicants tendering for?
HLPAS contract work will allow providers to deliver early legal advice in social welfare law alongside the in-court duty scheme (previously HPCDS). The HLPAS tender is the opportunity to deliver this new service.
The deadline for submitting tenders for this procurement process is 12pm on 19 December 2022.
To undertake HLPAS contract work, Applicants must hold a Housing and Debt contract so Applicants must currently hold a 2018 Housing and Debt contract or be awarded one through this procurement process at the Office(s) from which they are bidding. Therefore, the LAA is also inviting tenders for the delivery of Housing and Debt contract work to support the delivery of the HLPAS.
Applicants should note that to be eligible to tender for a 2018 Housing and Debt contract as part of this procurement process they must also submit a compliant tender to deliver HLPAS contract work.
The LAA intend to award one contract for each HLPAS area. The LAA are offering an unlimited number of contracts for Housing and Debt services in each procurement area.
Further Information
The Deadline for submitting a tender for this procurement process is 12pm on 19 December 2022. The Information for Applicants (IFA) documents are available in the ‘documents’ section at the top of this page. The IFAs provide full details about the procurement processes, including the requirements that Applicants must meet.
Contract documentation is available on the Standard civil contract 2018 page.
Tender responses must be submitted using the LAA’s eTendering system
A helpline has been set up to support you if you have technical problems with the e-Tendering system: help@bravosolutions.co.uk ; 0800 069 8630.
If you have any questions about the procurement process or the content of the IFA documents, these must be raised through the e-Tendering system by 23:59 on 2 December 2022.
Questions of wider interest will be collated and answered through a frequently asked questions document which will be published on this webpage during the week commencing 5 December 2022.
Updates to this page
Publication of the opening of the Further HLPAS procurement process
Publication of an amendment notice for the original HLPAS tender
Publication of the Supplemental HLPAS procurement process
Publication of the Frequently Asked Questions document relating to the procurement process for Housing Loss Prevention Advice Services (HLPAS) and Housing and Debt services from August 2023
Publication of an amendment notice to the HLPAS Information for Applicants (‘IFA’) for services in England and Wales from 1 August 2023.
Publication of a notice to amend the HLPAS Information for Applicants (‘IFA’) for services in England and Wales from 1 August 2023.
First published.