HS2 information for farmers and growers
Provides information for farmers and growers affected by High Speed Two (HS2) construction.
The guides for farmers and growers set out High Speed Two (HS2) Ltd’s proposed approach to handling agricultural property matters. They provide a single source of information for all those affected by either Phase One or Phase 2a. There will eventually be a bespoke guide for each affected farmer.
The guides comprise 3 parts:
- part 1 contains general policies and guidance on key issues, including land acquisition, land access, construction, land restoration and compensation.
- in part 2, further explanatory notes on land acquisition and temporary occupation are included.
- in part 3 is an example of the content that will be tailored to an individual farmer. The principles set out in the guide will be adhered to during the detailed design and construction of the railway.
The guidance may be subject to revision over time, as practices are improved or modified.
Updates to this page
HS2 Phase One Guide for Farmers and Growers - file attachment updated HS2 Phase 2a Guide for Farmers and Growers - file attachment updated HS2 Phase 2b Guide for Farmers and Growers - file attachment updated
Updated guidance for farmers and growers for phase one and two.
Updated HS2 Phase 2b Guide for Farmers and Growers
Added Phase 2b guide.
Phase 2a guide updated
Tax information document added
Guide for Phase 2a added
First published.