
Existing agreement holders’ information: Countryside Stewardship

Countryside Stewardship (CS) schemes applied for from 2016 up to 2023: use the relevant manual to meet the requirements of your CS agreement.


Contact the Rural Payments Agency if you have any queries about CS:

Rural Payments Agency

(Countryside Stewardship)
PO Box 324
S95 1DF


Tel: 03000 200 301

Opening times: 8:30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)

Find out about call charges at

Guidance and forms relevant to all CS schemes

Mid Tier (including water capital items) and Wildlife Offers

Higher Tier


Updates to this page

Published 7 December 2016
Last updated 15 January 2025 show all updates
  1. Capital items removed and moved to Existing agreement holders' information: capital items.

  2. Link to Mirror agreements for Countryside Stewardship Higher Tier included in Higher Tier section. Older versions of mirror agreements removed from Mid Tier and Higher Tier sections.

  3. Higher Tier manual for agreements starting on 1 January 2024 added.

  4. Added link to information about when you’ll be able to apply to the CS Higher Tier offer and what improvements have been made.

  5. Countryside Stewardship guides for agreements starting in 2021 to 2023 have been re-published in an accessible format. The factual content has not changed. This is part of ongoing GOV.UK guidance improvements.

  6. Updated to include links for customers who got a capital grant agreement in 2023.

  7. Added the updated terms and conditions and rules for CS agreement holders following the end of cross compliance at midnight on 31 December 2023.

  8. Link to Countryside Stewardship 5 in 10 agreements added to Higher Tier section.

  9. Added manuals from 2021

  10. Links added to 'Countryside Stewardship revenue payment rates from 1 January 2022' GOV.UK page.

  11. Add link to 'Woodland creation manual: Countryside Stewardship (from 9 September 2018)' to 'Woodland creation and woodland capital grants' section.

  12. Page updated to include previous versions of Mid Tier and Wildlife Offers manual (for agreements starting on 01/01/21), Higher Tier manual (for agreements starting on 01/01/21), Hedgerows and Boundaries grant manual (for agreements starting in 2020), Woodland Creation grant manual (from 15 July 2020), Woodland Management Plan grant manual (from October 2020) and Woodland Tree Health grant manual (from 15 July 2020)

  13. 2019 Woodland creation grant manual added to page. 2019 Woodland tree health grant manual added to page.

  14. Link added from Mid Tier and Higher Tier sections to information about Countryside Stewardship 2020 agreement extensions.

  15. Publication of Mid Tier manual, Higher Tier and Hedgerows and Boundaries manuals.

  16. Update to information about 'final' payment for annual revenue claims.

  17. H&B for 2018 added

  18. Added 'How to submit a revenue claim online'.

  19. Contact details updated to the Rural Payments Agency.

  20. Link to guidance for those finding it difficult to meet scheme requirements due to hot and dry weather conditions.

  21. Passed 10 July deadline for late revenue claims and amendments.

  22. Links to guidance on how changes to digital maps in Rural Payments service may affect agreements, and form for minor and temporary adjustment (MTA).

  23. Deadline for late revenue claims is 10 July 2018.

  24. Deadline for revenue claims extended to 15 June 2018.

  25. Added details of which office to send paper-based claims to, depending on county.

  26. Added a section on changes to the payment split for multi-year grants.

  27. Mapping updates section added.

  28. Guidance for agreement holders affected by HS2.

  29. Deadline for submitting Countryside Stewardship claims for 1 January 2017 agreements (only) extended to 15 June 2017.

  30. Added links to Mid Tier and Higher Tier manuals for 1 January 2017 agreements.

  31. Added 2016 hedgerows and boundaries grant manual.

  32. First published.