Low Carbon Hydrogen Supply Competition (closed)
The 2 phase £33 million Low Carbon Hydrogen Supply competition aimed to accelerate the development of low carbon bulk hydrogen supply solutions in the above sectors.
Low carbon hydrogen could play an important role in decarbonising industry, power, heat and transport. However, for a market to grow, potential users (in any application) need to be confident in supply of sufficient amounts of low carbon hydrogen at a competitive price.
The £33 million Low Carbon Hydrogen Supply competition aimed to accelerate the development of low carbon bulk hydrogen supply solutions in the above sectors. It was aimed at projects at a technology readiness level (TRL) of 4 to 7, which could result in lower capital or operating costs when compared to Steam Methane Reformation with Carbon Capture & Storage (SMR+CCS), or improve the carbon capture rates at a comparable cost.
Phase 2 of the competition aimed to accelerate the development of low carbon bulk hydrogen supply solutions by providing funding for demonstration projects.
Phase 1 funded feasibility studies looking into accelerating the development of low carbon bulk hydrogen supply solutions.
Updates to this page
Added Phase 2 reports for ERM Dolphyn, ITM Gigastack, HyNet low carbon hydrogen and Pale Blue Dot.
Ecuity: Ammonia to green hydrogen project added.
Published the feasibility studies for Phase 1 and the 5 successful projects for Phase 2 of the competition.
First published.