Independent end-to-end review of online knife sales
A report by Commander Steve Clayman into the online sale of knives, reviewing current practices in this market.
Between 2020 and 2024 the number of violent and sexual offences involving a knife recorded by police forces in England and Wales has increased.
New and more stringent legislation has limited the availability of larger and more dangerous knives. However, advancements in technology, transport and globalisation has opened the door to new knife markets, instantly available to people through the internet.
In response to this growing threat, the Home Office commissioned an independent end-to-end review of online knife sales to look at the sale and delivery process crucial to individuals obtaining knives online.
This report aims to deliver a holistic view of the process of online sales within the UK and from abroad, taking views from key stakeholders across each area highlighting best practice and issuing recommendations on improvements.
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