Find a learning aim and ILR sources of data
Use find a learning aim to search for specific aims. Also, find information about data sources for the individualised learner record (ILR).
Applies to England
We use the individualised learner record (ILR) data to calculate funding earned by publicly funded colleges, training organisations, local authorities and employers (FE providers). The data gathered provides information on the effectiveness of the learning programmes in terms of who they reach, what learning they receive, and what outcomes are achieved.
To help FE providers in collecting the correct data for different types of learners, a list of the fields required for each funding model is given in section 17 of the provider support manual.
Find a learning aim
Use find a learning aim to search for specific aims, including qualifications, standards, apprenticeship, T levels and units.
You can download the complete learnings aims dataset for the current academic year in various formats, as well as previous years.
Data collection maintenance schedule
Use our data collection maintenance schedule to find ILR data collection periods, planned learning aims reference data updates and proposed essential maintenance windows.
Learning aim codes
Learning aim codes are available from the following sources:
Learning aims search
The find a learning aim search facility is available for you to access and search for qualifications, standards, apprenticeships, T levels and units.
LARS for 2016 to 2017
The final datasets produced on 3 October 2017 for the LARS can be downloaded here and are available in mdb, csv, and psv formats.
Click on the links below to download files to your desktop to access data.
Learning delivery 2016 to 2017: mdb
Learning delivery 2016 to 2017: csv
Learning delivery 2016 to 2017: psv
Simplified funding rates catalogue
The catalogue lists all provision which we have approved for public funding in a given collection year and can be found at the GOV.UK page qualifications approved for public funding and then select the appropriate period.
Higher education learning aim requests
The higher education learning aim request form and full guidance can be found at ‘Learning aim reference service (LARS)’.
ILR specification Appendix H
A technical specification of the classification and coding system to be used to record non-regulated provision in the ILR for the relevant collection year can be found at the GOV.UK collection Individualised Learner Record (ILR) and then select the appropriate period.
Unique learner numbers (ULNs)
A ULN is a 10-digit reference number, used as a single common identifier for UK learners aged 14 and over. Each ULN is issued and held by the Learning Record Service (LRS).
Employer reference numbers (ERNs)
ERNs are entered in the employer identifier and work placement identifier fields in an ILR data collection. Requirements for returning employer identifiers have changed. From the 1st of April 2022 the Employer Data Service will no longer be issuing ERNs for new employers.
For ILR returns please use 999999999 for both the employer identifier and work placement identifier fields where an employer does not have an ERN. The existing validation rules have been changed so you now longer need to update the record after 60 days.
Please login to Submit learner data to search EDS data from existing ERNs.
Updates to this page
Added 'LARS table and field definitions: version 010 (applicable from August 2024)'.
We have published the LARS table and field definitions: version 009 (applicable from August 2023).
We have updated the LARS table and field definitions: version 008 with the new URL for Find a learning aim.
We have updated the LARS table and field definitions: version 008 (applicable from August 2021) document.
We have updated the section on Employer reference numbers (ERNs).
We have published the LARS table and field definitions: version 008 (applicable from August 2021).
We have updated the Learning Aims Reference Service Categories document
We have updated the HE learning aim request due dates. Providers requesting new learning aims for prescribed Higher Education provision must submit completed forms, together with all approval information, to us by: Friday 25 September for 2019 to 2020, and Friday 24 September for 2020 to 2021.
We have added an updated version of the Learning Aims Reference Service Categories: July 2020 to include information relating to coronavirus (COVID-19). We have also added information about the new find a learning aim service.
We have updated LARS table and field definitions: version 007 (applicable from August 2019).
We have published LARS table and field definitions: version 007 (applicable from August 2019).
We have updated the Learning Aims Reference Service Categories (March 2019).
Added new guidance on adding prescribed higher education qualifications to the Learning Aims Reference Service (LARS).
New version of LARS table and field definitions and the Learning Aim known issues 2017 to 2018 (April 2018) added.
LARS files for 2016 to 2017 uploaded on 6 November 2017. Also editorial changes made to page.
New version of LARS table and field definitions (applicable from August 2017) uploaded on 7 August 2017.
New version of Learning Aims Request Form HE aims uploaded on 3 August 2017.
New version of Learning aims search user guide uploaded on 18 July 2017.
New file titled LARS table and field definitions: version 005 (applicable from August 2017) uploaded on 28 April 2017.
Editorial change to HE learning aim request due date 2017 section of detail.
Learning Aim known Issues 2015 to 2016: version 5 uploaded on 9 December 2016.
New version of Learning aim search user guide uploaded on 2 December 2016.
Two revised files uploaded on 23 November 2016: * LARS table and field definitions 2016 to 2017 * Learning aim search guidance: November 2016
Learning delivery 2015 to 2016 files in mdb, csv and psv formats uploaded in section headed LARS for 2015 to 2016 on 23 November 2016.
Editorial change made to the page under the heading HE learning aim request due date 2016 on 21 July 2016.
New file titled LARS table and field definitions 2016 to 2017 uploaded on 2 June 2016.
Learning Aims Reference Service Categories May 2016 published on 9 May 2016
Learning Aims Reference Service Categories: March 2016 uploaded on 17 March 2016.
New version of Learning aims search user guidance uploaded on 8 December 2015.
Learning Aims Reference Service Categories: December 2015 uploaded on 8 December 2015.
Learning Aims known issues version 4 uploaded on 20 November 2015.
New version of Learning Aims known issues uploaded on 14 October 2015.
Editorial change to page to provide new detail about HE learning aim request due date 2016.
Introductory video shows you how to find the learning aim search facility on the Hub, explains the links on the landing page and key documentation.
LARS known issues version 2 uploaded on 05 October 2015.
New versions of: * Learning Aim known issues 2014 to 2015 * Learning Aim known issues 2015 to 2016 uploaded on 26 August 2015.
Updated Learning Aim known issues document.
Amended HE learning aim request due date 2015.
Updated LARS table and field definitions 2015 to 2016 document.
Updated Learning Aim known issues document.
LARS known issues version 8 uploaded on 22 July 2015.
New version of Learning Aim Search Guidance uploaded on 21 July 2015.
New Learning Aim Search Guide and Learning Aim known issues uploaded on 06 July 2015.
LARS table and field definitions uploaded on 22 May 2015.
Revised Individualised Learner Record (ILR): sources of data page published 10 December 2014.
Lars Lite R14 MDB and PSV files uploaded 07 October 2014.
LARS lite R10 uploaded.
LARS lite R09 new files uploaded plus known issues document.
Two new documents uploaded
New document LARS lite known issues v10.0 uploaded
Amendment of attachment order
Minor editorial change. Amendment to attachment order
New LARS lite known issues v9.1 and LARS lite RO7 (csv, psv and mdb) uploaded
First published.