Learning aim reference service (LARS)
Information for colleges, training organisations and employers about the learning aim reference service, also known as LARS.
Applies to England
Learning aim reference service (LARS)
LARS offers a web based search facility called find a learning aim. It allows users to search by most commonly used fields for qualifications, units, apprenticeship frameworks and apprenticeship standards and their associated validity and funding details.
LARS downloads are available to allow colleges, training organisations and employers (providers) to interrogate the same LARS data set that is used in the Funding Information System (FIS).
Learning aim reference service: category codes
The learning aim reference service category codes provides definitions and guidance for each category on the LARS.
Find a learning aim
Use find a learning aim to search for specific aims, including qualifications, standards, apprenticeships, T Levels and units.
You can download the complete learnings aims dataset for the current academic year in various formats, as well as previous years.
Higher education learning aim request due date
Providers requesting new learning aims for provision recognised as higher education for Office for Students funding purposes must submit completed forms, together with all approval information, to us by:
- Friday, 13 September 2024 for 2023 to 2024
- Friday, 12 September 2025 for 2024 to 2025
This allows for them to be added to the find a learning aim database for the R14 individualised learner record (ILR) submission.
We recommend that providers request learning aims throughout the funding year to ensure that their ILR submissions are up to date.
Guidance on completion of necessary forms and background information can be found in provision recognised as higher education for Office for Students funding purposes.
The Customer Help Portal to submit your completed form and approval letter.
is available to download. You should use ourLearning aim class codes
The learning aim class codes guidance sets out details of the classification and coding system used to record non-regulated activity in the individualised learning record.
Downloads of the LARS datasets
The LARS datasets can be found in 3 formats and are updated in line with the data collection maintenance schedule.
Updates to this page
We have updated the higher education learning aim request form, removed the Learn direct classification codes (LDCC) spreadsheet and updated the dates for the higher education learning aim request due date.
We have updated the dates for the higher education learning aim request due date section of the landing page to include the dates for 2022 to 2023 and 2023 to 2024.
Updated higher education learning aim request form and LDCC spreadsheets
Updated version to include the linked guidance "Provision recognised as Higher Education for Office for Students funding purposes".
The category codes have been updated
First published.