
European Baccalaureate: guide for higher education institutions

A summary of the European Baccalaureate for UK university and higher education admissions officers.

Applies to England



This guide will help admissions officers to process applications from students who have studied the European Baccalaureate.

Earlier versions of this guidance, including grade equivalence tables for European Baccalaureate qualifications awarded before summer 2021 are available on the National Archives website.

The European Baccalaureate is the school-leaving examination for pupils who attend one of the European Schools located across the European Union (EU).

There are 13 European Schools, in 6 EU countries, which are administered by the European Schools Board of Governors. In addition, there are a number of Accredited European Schools.

There are currently around 27,000 pupils in the system as a whole and approximately 2,000 take the final examination each year.

The guidance may also be of interest to:

  • parents of students taking the European Baccalaureate
  • potential graduate employers

Updates to this page

Published 30 July 2013
Last updated 13 November 2020 show all updates
  1. Updated document to include a single subject grade comparison table.

  2. Updated document to reflect a change in the marking scheme for the European Baccalaureate. It also includes the existing and new grade comparisons with A levels and a more in-depth analysis of English and mathematics.

  3. Minor clarifications added to the guidance, confirming that there will be no change to the recognition of the European Baccalaureate for the 2019 to 2020 academic year.

  4. Document updated to include the European Baccalaureate exam results and important contact information.

  5. First published.

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