Statutory guidance

Infrastructure for charging electric vehicles: Approved Document S

Building regulation in England for the installation of electric vehicle charge points or cable routes.

Applies to England


Approved Document S: infrastructure for charging electric vehicles

Approved Document S: Infrastructure for charging electric vehicles, frequently asked questions


This Approved Document provides technical guidance regarding the installation and charge point requirements in Part S to the Building Regulations.

Approved Document S applies to new residential and non-residential buildings; buildings undergoing a material change of use to dwellings; residential and non-residential buildings undergoing major renovation; and mixed-use buildings that are either new, or undergoing major renovation.

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Updates to this page

Published 15 December 2021
Last updated 17 April 2023 show all updates
  1. Added Approved Document S frequently asked questions.

  2. Republished with corrections which can be found in Circular 01/2022 - Minor misprints have been corrected.

  3. First published.

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