How to make electronic dividend payments — insolvency practitioner bulletin 1 (2020)
Published 31 January 2025
Introduction of electronic banking for insolvency practitioners making dividend payments
HMRC is committed to supporting businesses and individuals affected by coronavirus (COVID-19).
As a result of the current circumstances, we are introducing electronic banking across our debt management, Enforcement and Insolvency Service (EIS) with immediate effect.
We know that not all of you will be ready to use electronic banking, but if you are, please start using this facility as soon as possible.
Electronic banking is a quick, safe and secure method of making payments and reduces the reliance on cheques and payable orders.
If you are unable to move to electronic banking immediately, please do not send us cheques, hold on to them.
We will tell you when this request changes.
We have many colleagues working from home at the moment, providing the best possible service to our customers that we can, but colleagues working at home cannot process cheques.
Moving to electronic banking — what we need you to do
Payments relating to a claim should be made through Bacs (Bankers Automated Clearing System) or CHAPS (Clearing House Automated Payment System) using the following details:
- sort code — 20 20 48
- account number — 30944793
- account name — HMRC NIC Receipts
- Enforcement and Insolvency Service reference number — this will be quoted on all new HMRC claims and letters and will be used as a reference for the lifetime of the claim, payments cannot be accepted without a reference
Payment reference number
The unique case reference number can be found on our claims.
You will need to use this 13-character payment reference when you pay.
This is the customer’s 10-digit unique case reference number followed by a 3-letter suffix to show the type of insolvency the dividend refers to.
The following details the dividend types and their unique 3-digit suffixes:
- Individual Voluntary Arrangement, suffix IVA
- sequestrations, suffix SEQ
- trust deeds, suffix TRD
- Irish bankruptcy, suffix IBY
- members voluntary liquidations, suffix MVL
- company liquidation cases, suffix LIQ
- individual bankruptcy or partnerships, suffix BKY
- Company Voluntary Arrangement, suffix CVA
- partnership voluntary arrangement, suffix PVA
- administration, suffix ADM
Note: our unique case reference numbers start with 623, 075 or 880 followed by 7 digits.
Example 1 — payment reference number starting with 623
Reference number from claim: 623/1234567
Dividend type: Individual Voluntary Arrangement
Payment reference: 6231234567IVA (13 characters)
Example 2 — payment reference number starting with 075
Reference number from claim: 075/7654321/XXX
Dividend type: members voluntary liquidation
Payment reference: 0757654321MVL (13 characters)
Example 3 — payment reference number starting with 880
Reference number from claim: 880/1357911/XXX 26 VA
Dividend type: administration
Payment reference: 8801357911ADM (13 characters)
Please contact us if you are unsure how to use the reference format, or our claim does not have a reference number.