Inspection outcomes of the largest children's social care providers
These releases identify the largest private and voluntary providers of children's social care in England and their inspection outcomes.
Applies to England
The data may be useful to review the inspection outcomes for the largest providers for monitoring and comparison, by:
- academics
- local authorities
- social care services
- children and social care providers
Updates to this page
In the 'Largest national providers of private and voluntary social care (March 2024)' page, we have corrected a manual error in table 4, position 4. The Children's Family Trust was repeated in the table. We have changed this to the correct company name which is Team Fostering.
References to The Outcomes First Group (Sscp Spring Topco Ltd) have been changed to The Outcomes First Group for children's homes and The National Fostering Group for IFAs, based on updated information from The Outcomes First Group.
Added 'Largest national providers of private and voluntary social care (March 2024)'.
Added 'Largest national providers of private and voluntary social care (March 2023)'.
Added 'Largest national providers of private and voluntary social care (March 2022)'.
Updated to correct 2 settings that were assigned to the wrong company.
Added 'Largest national providers of private and voluntary social care (March 2021)'.
Added 'Inspection profiles of the largest private and voluntary providers of children's homes and independent fostering agencies March 2020'.
First published.