
Pay environmental and other taxes or gaming duties by Direct Debit (EEITT15)

Instruct your bank or building society to pay environmental and other taxes or gaming duties by Direct Debit.


Use the print and post form to set up a Direct Debit to pay HMRC


Use this form if you’re a business and want to set up a Direct Debit to pay:

  • Aggregates Levy
  • Air Passenger Duty
  • Bingo Duty
  • Gaming Duty
  • Insurance Premium Tax
  • Landfill Tax
  • duty on biofuels and other fuel substitutes
  • duty on gas for use as fuel in a road vehicle

Complete a separate form for each type of tax you want to set up a Direct Debit for.

You’ll need your bank details and the 15 digit reference number for each type of tax you want to pay.

Fill in the form on-screen, print it off and then post it to HMRC.

This form replaces the following forms:

  • Aggregates Levy: Direct Debit form (AL15)
  • Air Passenger Duty: Direct Debit form (APD15)
  • Insurance Premium Tax: Direct Debit form (IPT15)
  • Landfill Tax: Direct Debit form (LT15)

Before you start

If your browser is an older one (for example, Internet Explorer 8) you’ll need to update it or use a different one. Find out more about browsers.

You’ll need to fill in the form fully before you can print it. You can’t save a partly completed form so have all the information you need before you start to fill it in.

Updates to this page

Published 14 February 2017
Last updated 25 September 2018 show all updates
  1. Duty on biofuels and gas for use as fuel in a road vehicle have been added to the list of taxes covered by these instructions.

  2. First published.

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