IPO: patent data
These datasets are snapshots of patent/SPC applications received and subsequently published by the Intellectual Property Office.
This data is already available to the public in weekly XML snapshots via our online register but has been compiled into a snapshot to make it easier for statistical research to be undertaken.
The attached documents describe the data.
Please note: The GB patent data file may not open with older spreadsheet software.
Updates to this page
IPO Patent data and Supplementary Protection Certificate data updated.
IPO Patent data and Supplementary Protection Certificate data updated.
IPO Patent data and Supplementary Protection Certificate data updated.
GB Patent data updated.
GB Patent data updated.
The GB patent data has been updated.
GB patent data added.
GB patent data and IPO patent data updated.
IPO: Supplementary Protection Certificate data added.
The GB patent data has been updated.
The GB patent data has been updated.
IPO: Supplementary Protection Certificate data added.
The patent data has been updated.
First published.