Joined up data in government: the future of data linking methods
This cross-government review contains contributed articles on state-of-the-art data linking methods and makes recommendations for government data linkage.
This cross-government review set out to research data linking methods and understand the associated challenges faced by government. Specific focus was given to identifying and researching state-of-the-art data linkage methods and developing a set of recommendations for government to improve data linkage.
The review contains a series of contributed articles from recognised data linkage experts across government, academia, the third sector and internationally on state-of-the-art methods, application and their potential applicability for government. These articles have been peer reviewed by other leading experts and have contributed to a set of recommendations to improve data linking across government.
This review is for anyone interested in data linkage, doing data linkage or working with linked data.
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Edited review title - Joined up data in government: the future of data linking methods
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First published.