Liberty Protection Safeguards factsheets
Information about Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS).
Applies to England and Wales
Information about the LPS system, which will be replacing the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS).
DoLS is the system used to authorise the care or treatment arrangements of an individual who lacks mental capacity to consent to their arrangements. These safeguards apply when a person is ‘deprived of their liberty’ in a care home or hospital, in England or Wales.
More factsheets will be added.
Updates to this page
Added the factsheet: 'Liberty Protection Safeguards: young people and Responsible Bodies'.
Added 6 Liberty Protection Safeguards factsheets: 1. criteria for authorisation; 2. the appropriate person and independent mental capacity advocates; 3. the approved mental capacity professional role; 4. deprivation of liberty and authorisation of steps necessary for life-sustaining treatment or vital acts (section 4b); 5. authorisations, renewals and reviews; 6. the right to challenge an authorisation in court.
Added document 'Liberty Protection Safeguards: settings and Responsible Bodies'.
Added another factsheet attachment: 'Liberty Protection Safeguards: overview of the process'.
First published.