
Liberty Protection Safeguards factsheets

Information about Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS).

Applies to England and Wales

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Published 27 November 2020
Last updated 3 August 2021 show all updates
  1. Added the factsheet: 'Liberty Protection Safeguards: young people and Responsible Bodies'.

  2. Added 6 Liberty Protection Safeguards factsheets: 1. criteria for authorisation; 2. the appropriate person and independent mental capacity advocates; 3. the approved mental capacity professional role; 4. deprivation of liberty and authorisation of steps necessary for life-sustaining treatment or vital acts (section 4b); 5. authorisations, renewals and reviews; 6. the right to challenge an authorisation in court.

  3. Added document 'Liberty Protection Safeguards: settings and Responsible Bodies'.

  4. Added another factsheet attachment: 'Liberty Protection Safeguards: overview of the process'.

  5. First published.

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