Life Sciences Innovative Manufacturing Fund (LSIMF): Expression of Interest
The Life Sciences Innovative Manufacturing Fund supports businesses investing in life sciences manufacturing projects in the UK.
31 October 2024: update
The Life Sciences Innovative Manufacturing Fund (LSIMF) is open and will accept Expression of Interests (EOI) on a rolling basis.
The government has committed up to £520 million for life sciences manufacturing, to help deliver on the government’s missions to kickstart economic growth and build an NHS fit for the future.
The LSIMF will be UK and sector wide and will provide capital grants for investments in the manufacture of:
- Human medicines (this includes both the manufacture of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) / drug substance and finished product / drug product).
- Medical diagnostics – for both disease identification and monitoring.
- MedTech products – all types of medical devices related to human health.
This guidance includes information about LSIMF and the application process.
Updates to this page
The Life Sciences Innovative Manufacturing Fund (LSIMF) is open and will accept Expression of Interests (EOI) on a rolling basis.
Life Sciences Innovative Manufacturing Fund (LSIMF): Phase 2 closed to applications.
Phase 2 open to Expressions of Interest.
Phase 1 is now closed to Expressions of Interest.
Submit expressions of interest for Phase 1, Wave 3 by 31 May 2022, 12 noon.
Wave 2 expressions of interest date added.
Date for submitting expressions of interest to the LSIMF Phase 1 Wave 1 changed to Friday 29 April at 12 noon.
First published.