LSR: replacing lost, stolen and recovered passports (accessible)
Updated 5 March 2025
Version 30.0
This guidance is for His Majesty’s Passport Office examiners dealing with applications to replace passports, reported lost or stolen and where the customer has found a passport, they previously reported lost or stolen.
About LSR examination: how to replace lost, stolen and recovered passports
This guidance is for His Majesty’s Passport Office operational staff it explains how to deal with:
passport applications to replace a machine readable passport a customer has reported as lost or stolen
a machine readable passport a customer had previously declared lost or stolen but has now found (known as a recovered passport)
This guidance does not cover applications to replace Old Blue (hardback style) passports.
If you have any questions about the guidance and your line manager or senior caseworker cannot help you or you think that the guidance has factual errors then email HM Passport Office’s Guidance team.
If you notice any formatting errors in this guidance (broken links, spelling mistakes and so on) or have any comments about the layout or navigability of the guidance then you can email the Guidance team.
Below is information on when this version of the guidance was published:
version 30.0
published for Home Office staff on 5 February 2025
Changes from last version of this guidance
This guidance has been updated to clarify the process for requesting loss information from the customer.
LSR: how lost or stolen passports are reported
This section tells His Majesty’s Passport Office staff how customers can report their passport as lost or stolen, what happens to recovered passports, when we record information on the LSR database and what we do if someone makes a false or malicious report.
If a customer reports a passport as lost or stolen, we have a duty to cancel it as soon as possible to stop it from being used fraudulently. Customers can report their lost and stolen passports, by:
going to the GOV.UK website
telephoning the Passport Adviceline if assistance is required (the Passport Adviceline will use the GOV.UK website on behalf of the customer)
notifying a consulate or embassy post if overseas
completing a paper notification form, known as an LS01 form
applying for:
a replacement passport (paper application only), giving the details of the loss (or theft) on the application
an emergency travel document (the passport will be cancelled when an emergency travel document is issued)
telling an examiner over the course of an application (this may be over the phone or by submitting the loss details in response to an examiner request)
Recovered passports
Passports returned to HM Passport Office because they have been found by a third party (for example, they have been handed into a police station) are cancelled on the system by the Lost, stolen and recovered (LSR) team. The LSR team record these passports as recovered.
Customers may report their passport lost or stolen and later find it and:
send it to us as part of their passport application; or,
hand it in during a Digital Fast Track (DFT) appointment
The LSR team will create a recovered record and update our records.
We cannot deal with the application as a renewal if the old passport is already cancelled on our passport records. See Dealing with recovered passports.
Recovered passports: passport handed in during a DFT appointment
If the customer brings their recovered passport to the DFT appointment, you, the counter examiner must:
1. Take the recovered passport from the customer.
2. Not scan the recovered passport.
3. Record the recovered passport in the Digital Application Processing (DAP) lost and stolen task notes.
4. Add a case note to say, ‘Passport No [insert passport number] reported lost or stolen, received at the counter DFT appointment and sent to Peterborough LSR team’.
5. Continue to process the application in line with current guidance.
If the application is being sent to the national queue and there are documents which need to be sent to the Document Handling Unit (DHU), you must:
1. Print out the cover sheet.
2. Cross out the recovered passport on the sheet.
3. Send the documents apart from the passport to the DHU.
If there are no documents to be sent to the DHU, you do not need the cover sheet.
You, the counter examiner, must attach a covering note to the passport, which says ‘Passport taken in at counter as found by customer – DFT application’, and send the recovered passport to the LSR team in Peterborough.
When we record data on the LSR database
The Lost, Stolen and Recovered database (LSR) holds information relating to lost, stolen and recovered passports. We share information daily with Interpol and United Kingdom government departments, such as Border Force, to:
prevent and detect crime
their passports
the records we hold on passports
If a customer reports their passport as lost or stolen, we will cancel the passport on our passport records and make a record of the loss (LS record) on the LSR database. LS records are created:
automatically, by:
the digital LSR (DLSR) reporting system
Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) trusted source submissions (imported to our systems by the Data Governance and Assurance team)
manually, by:
our DLSR supplier team using details entered on GOV.UK
the LSR team creating and dealing with customer notifications
production examiners using details provided by a customer on an application or phone call
Reporting a false declaration of loss or theft to the police
We will report notifications to the police if someone has given:
incorrect information
a false declaration
a forged consent signature
If the customer declares there has been a false declaration, you must follow the Dealing with malicious LS reports guidance.
You must refer the case to the Counter Fraud team (CFT) if you have concerns about a notification.
If CFT believes there are reasonable grounds to suspect an offence has been committed, they will:
decide if they need to cancel the customer’s passport
report the incident to the police (in line with Passing information to law enforcement agencies guidance)
The police will decide if they need to take legal action.
LSR: how to replace a lost or stolen child passport
This section tells HM Passport Office staff how to check they have the correct consent to cancel and replace a child’s passport, when we will cancel a child passport, what happens if the child passport is still valid or has already expired, or if there is a parental dispute over who should hold the passport.
Cancelling a passport when a customer has reported it lost or stolen, protects the holder from identity theft and potential child trafficking or abduction.
When someone reports a child passport as lost or stolen on GOV.UK, we will not cancel the passport until we are satisfied the person who declared it missing has the authority to do so. (See Lost and stolen reports for child passports)
When the LSR team will cancel a child’s lost or stolen passport
The Lost, stolen and recovered (LSR) team will deal with electronic notifications referred to them by the Digital Lost, Stolen reporting (DLSR) team. These are more complex cancellations than DLSR can deal with, as they require more documents or permissions such as additional parental responsibility checks. The LSR team will only cancel a child passport after they have:
finished their checks
confirmed the correct person has reported the loss
Before the LSR team cancel a child’s passport, they must make sure the correct person is reporting the passport as lost or stolen. The customer must answer a list of questions, which are then saved on the LS record. The questions include:
do you have parental responsibility (PR) for the child?
does someone you know have the passport or know where it is?
did you sign the child’s passport application?
- if not, will the person who did, be available to speak to us on the phone?
is there anyone else with PR for the child? Do they know you are cancelling the passport? (we will ask the customer to tell everyone with PR that the passport is being cancelled, if they have not already done so)
The LSR team will only cancel a passport if the person reporting it on GOV.UK has:
declared they have parental responsibility and have been named on the passport history as a parent
submitted the last application and completed the declaration, or we have received verbal consent from the person that did if the passport is still valid
When examiners can cancel a child’s lost or stolen passport
We must make sure we safeguard (protect) the child. You, the examiner, must make sure you have the correct authorisation and consents before you cancel and replace a child’s passport. The consent you need to cancel a passport and issue another, may be different, (see When the child’s missing passport is still valid and When the child’s missing passport has already expired).
If you, the examiner, receive an application to replace a child’s lost or stolen passport, you must check if the passport is:
already cancelled on the passport system; and,
associated to the correct loss report, known as a LS record
If a child’s missing passport is already showing as cancelled on the passport system, for example by the LSR team or FCDO (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office) you, the examiner, do not need to question that cancellation.
You must associate the correct LS record to the application (in line with examiner guidance for applications completed on the Application Management System (AMS) or Digital Application Processing (DAP), if this has not been done.
When a customer reports a child passport as lost or stolen on a replacement passport application (and they have not already reported it on GOV.UK), you must only cancel the passport if it is:
still valid and we have confirmation from:
the person who gave parental consent on the original application
a court order telling us to cancel the passport
the person who has been given parental responsibility (PR) by a court order that also removed PR from the parent who applied for the original passport
expired and anyone with parental responsibility, legal guardianship or acting in place of a parent, reports it lost or stolen
not being held by someone else (for example, the other parent)
To issue a replacement passport, you must have consent from a person who:
has parental responsibility or legal guardianship
is acting in place of a parent; or,
holds a court order authorising the issuing of a replacement passport
When the child’s missing passport is still valid
You must not create an LS record for a valid child passport, unless the person who gave us parental consent for the passport reports the loss. You must ask for written confirmation from the person who gave consent (if it is a different person than the one applying to replace it).
To make sure you have the correct consent to cancel the missing passport, you must:
identify who gave consent for the passport (if it is still valid) by checking case notes, document scans and the image of the previous application
confirming the person replacing the passport is the same person who consented to the missing passport
ask the customer for additional consent (for example, from the person who signed the declaration on the last application, if this is a different person) and checking the consent is genuine when we receive it
If the original customer is not available, you must ask the person applying, for:
a death certificate (if they died)
a court order authorising us to cancel the old passport and issue a new one (if they are not available)
When the child’s missing passport has already expired
If a child passport has expired, anyone with parental responsibility, legal guardianship or acting in place of a parent, can report the passport as lost or stolen.
You, the examiner, must create an LS record for the passport if it does not already have one. You must do this using the details provided by the customer on their application, or by phoning the customer to ask for the details we require.
Parental disputes: child’s passport is lost or stolen
You must refer the application to your operational team leader (OTL) for advice, if:
there is a dispute between the people who have parental responsibility or legal guardianship (for example, if a parent falsely reports the expired passport as lost but knows the other parent has it)
the person who needs to give consent has been violent or abusive toward the child (or their parent or guardian)
there is a court order in place that may affect your decision to cancel the passport and issue a replacement
You, the OTL, must:
1. Review the customer’s application and their dispute.
2. Phone the customer and give advice in a clear and sensitive way, do not offer to mediate, or contact the other parent.
3. Tell the customer that we do not get involved in cases of parental dispute, unless the dispute is a result of an error we made.
4. Explain how they can resolve the problem (for example, by getting a specific issue order from a family court).
5. Add a case note to make a record of your conversation with the parent.
See Parental disputes: dealing with applications
LSR: replacing lost or stolen passports
This section tells HM Passport Office examining staff how we receive and examine an application to replace a lost or stolen passport for an adult or child and includes how we confirm the customer’s identity and create an LS record.
You, the examiner, will receive an application to replace a lost or stolen passport on either:
Digital Application Processing (DAP)
Application Management System (AMS)
You must deal with the application using the application type ‘Replacement’ if the passport is lost or stolen.
We do not consider a passport lost or stolen if it has been cancelled because of a HM Passport action (for example, when we cancel the passport because it has not been collected at a counter appointment). There will be a passport note explaining why the passport has been cancelled, on the passport record. You must assess and change the application type on DAP or AMS if needed.
Customers who report their passport as lost on GOV.UK will have an LS record created and passed if the details agree with a passport in our records. A passed (completed) LS record will cancel a customer’s passport on our records.
You can only issue a replacement for a lost or stolen passport if you electronically attach the customer’s lost and stolen record (LS record) to the current passport application. If we already have a passed record on the LS database for the lost or stolen passport, you must associate that record with the application you are examining. You must create an LS record if the customer or a third party applies for a replacement passport but has not reported the missing passport using GOV.UK.
You must examine the customer’s application to replace a lost or stolen passport, before issuing them a new passport and consider:
Risk indicator guidance
the reasons for the loss, for example, is the passport:
permanently lost or unlikely to be found
not available to the customer for example in the possession of an absent parent or ex-partner (see parental disputes)
impounded by the police or other government agency
if a passport has been lost in a crisis situation and if we issued extra guidance as a result
if the person reporting the loss or applying for the replacement is a third party
You must contact the customer and ask for more information if you need:
extra documents
consent to authorise a new passport or cancel the old one (for example, for a child application)
to clear any differences between our records and the application
Using customer information to create an LS record
You, the examiner, must create an LS record if the customer has not already reported their passport missing using GOV.UK; but you must only do so, if you have:
confirmed the passport holder’s identity from the information provided on the customer’s application
confirmed which passport the customer is reporting missing, if they hold multiple valid passports
the correct authorisation and consent to cancel the missing passport (including third party notifications or applications)
You, must use the customer information in the application, or contact the customer by phone to create an LS record if, during the examination process:
you receive an LS01 paper form as part of an application
the customer, or eligible person applying on their behalf, tells you their current passport is lost or stolen and they have not reported it on GOV.UK
the customer tells you they sent their current passport, but we have not received it
If the passport declared missing is not the passport being renewed or replaced and has not been sent to us, (for example, it is an additional passport the customer no longer needs and you are working on DAP with no AMS access), you must:
1. Email the Lost Stolen and Recovered team confirming the customer’s name and passport number they need cancelled.
2. Include in the email:
- a copy of the loss declaration if the customer has sent one
- confirm the current application number, date, time, and the details of loss the customer told you if you called them by phone
3. Continue with the application you are dealing with.
If you are working on DAP and the customer has sent us an additional passport with their current application documents, you must:
check if the customer still needs the additional passport
return the additional passport when returning the other documents if it is still needed
follow DAP: cancelling the passport if it is no longer needed. If you do not have AMS access you must email the Lost Stolen and Recovered team confirming the customer’s name and passport number they need cancelled and attach a copy of the loss declaration. In this case you must wait for confirmation of the cancellation and place the application on hold until confirm the passport is cancelled.
If you are working on AMS or have AMS access, you must create a LS record for any additional passports declared lost or stolen and no longer required.
Confirming identity when the passport is lost or stolen
You must confirm the customer’s identity before issuing a replacement passport by:
checking our records for the customer’s previous passport history
comparing their application details and photo to the details and photo on the passport record
examining the referee, including where the customer can be identified from our records)
- if a referee has not been provided you must ask for one (see Confirming ID: referees)
If we have no record of the customer’s passport history or their passport is an Old Blue (hardback style), you must deal with it as a first time application. You must ask the customer for supporting documents and referee. They may also need to attend an interview.
If there is a passport history and you cannot find the lost or stolen passport record, you must follow searches and checks guidance to find the passport. You must add the passport number to the replacement application including British National Overseas (BNO) passports. (If you are working on DAP you must clear the LS task after entering the BNO passport number to return the application to the queue. DAP will then create the Nationality task to allow you to change the customers nationality to BNO)
How to check a customer’s personal details
If a customer applies to replace a passport, they have declared lost or stolen, you must check their personal details and photo against either:
our passport and application records
G-search (passport records held by Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office)
X Drive (index of historic non-digital passport records)
the Hong Kong (HK) historic application database (if the customer holds a BN(O) passport)
You must look at the customer’s full passport history, to check:
their identity is the same in all passports
for any changes of name
if they hold more than 1 valid passport (to make sure you cancel the correct passport)
You must check risk indicator guidance if a customer has reported 3 or more passports lost or stolen in the last 10 years.
To check the customer’s identity is consistent and how many passports they have reported as lost or stolen, you must:
1. Search passport and application records or X Drive (and the HK database if they hold British national (overseas) citizenship) for their full passport history.
2. Check the details with the customer (if you cannot find a record) and fill in a manual index search if you need to.
3. Compare the name, date, and place of birth on the passport records with those on the application.
4. Compare the photos held in our records against the current application.
5. Investigate any differences (for example, if they had a change of name or have changed their place of birth) and ask for evidence to resolve any differences.
6. Make sure you record the correct missing passport number on the current application.
How to deal with referees
When a customer applies to replace a lost or stolen passport, the guidance notes on GOV.UK asks them to fully fill in their application and provide a referee.
You must deal with the digital referee’s or paper referee (1 page form)’s responses using the referee guidance, even if you can identify the customer from our records.
When a customer is replacing a lost or stolen passport they must provide a referee. If we receive an application that does not have a referee, you must ask for one. When you get a referee, you must examine them.
If you have concerns about a customer’s identity
If you have concerns about the identity of a customer or it’s clear they’re a different person from the one in our records and there are additional risk indicators, you must:
1. Check the passport record for all passports connected to their identity.
2. Add a case note with details of each passport.
3. Complete:
the EAC referral form and pass the AMS application to an Enhanced Application Checking (EAC) examiner
additional checks on the DAP application in line with guidance
DAP: dealing with a lost or stolen passport application
This section tells HM Passport Office Digital Application Processing (DAP) examination staff how to examine an application to replace a lost, stolen or recovered (LSR) passport for an adult or child, including creating and verifying a LS record (lost and stolen record) or what to do if an LS record has been associated in error. It also includes how to deal with the DAP lost and stolen (LSR) task and the Interview appointment task on a lost or stolen application.
You must complete any other tasks shown first, using current guidance, before you deal with the Lost or stolen passport and Interview appointment tasks.
If you are dealing with an application on Digital Application Processing (DAP) and the customer has reported their passport as lost or stolen, DAP will create a Lost or stolen passport task.
DAP will also create these additional tasks for you to deal with:
Referee (reference) task
Interview appointment (because some customers who lose passports may need an interview)
DAP: dealing with a child’s lost or stolen passport
You, the DAP examiner, must make sure you have the correct authorisation and consents before you cancel and replace a child’s passport. See When examiners can cancel a child’s lost or stolen passport.
When you are dealing with a child’s application, DAP will create a parental responsibility task. You must use this task to decide if you have the correct consent to proceed with the application and authorisation to cancel the missing passport.
If you do not have the correct authorisation or consent, you must ask for additional consent before you proceed with the application and the Lost or stolen passport task.
If you do not have the correct consent needed to cancel the child’s old passport, you must:
1. Send the customer the Lost or stolen passport template.
2. Select Need further documents on DAP.
DAP: how to deal with a Lost or stolen passport task
If DAP creates a Lost or stolen passport task, you must:
1. Check you have the authorisation and consent you need to cancel the old passport. (Make sure you have the correct authorisation and consent from a third party).
2. Check the customer’s nationality and entitlement and confirm the customer’s identity and the reasons for loss.
3. Search passport records (including, G:Search if needed) for the customer’s passport, checking the customer’s full passport history for discrepancies. For example:
checking for any undeclared previous names
checking if they hold more than one valid passport (to make sure you cancel the correct passport and request the correct documents to support the application)
4. Add the correct passport number to the previous passport held section on screen to make sure checks are completed. Make sure you have the correct passport number if the customer has multiple passports, by checking the passport numbers on our passport records. (see Using customer information to create an LS record for what to do if the customer declares a passport missing but does not want to replace it). You must make sure you add the British National Overseas (BNO) passport number if the lost passport is a BNO.
5. Add a case note to the current application, recording the passport numbers of all passports previously held, noting any that have been lost or stolen.
6. Search for the LS record (lost and stolen record) by selecting the Lost, stolen, recovered radio button from the Search menu in DAP. If an LS record is:
found and ‘Passed’, select Associate with this application and complete the Lost or stolen passport task
found and ‘Verified’, or ‘LSR team query records’ select Pass and associate this record and continue to deal with the LS record on the LSR system
not found, you must obtain loss report details and any additional consent from the customer, then create a new LS record
Completing the Lost or stolen passport task
To complete the DAP Lost or stolen passport task after you have associated the ‘Passed’ LS record with the customer’s application, you must:
1. Send the customer an email to confirm their old passport is cancelled using the Comms builder. You must:
select the ‘Lost or stolen passport cancelled – UK adults’ template
click on Tell someone something – I’m not expecting a response under ‘Why are you sending it?’
decide if you need to select Yes to warn the customer about multiple losses (using the Comms builder template ‘Lost or stolen passport cancelled – UK adults’)
2. Check the old passport number in the Application details tab. If the customer:
left this blank when they made the application, you must add the old passport number
entered an incorrect old passport number, you must correct it
3. Case note your actions and decision.
4. Select:
Yes - if you have confirmed the customer’s identity and associated the LS record
No need more documents - if you need to contact the customer for documents or information, you must send an email if you select this option
Delay decision on this task - if you are contacting the customer on another task to ask for information or documents that will enable you to process this task
Refer for investigation (after you have completed additional checks, as required by the guidance) for example, if you have concerns about the identity of the customer or the customer tells us their previous passport was taken or kept by the police, a government department or the courts
Case noting a lost or stolen passport application
DAP will automatically record in the timeline any checks you make from within the DAP system, for example, watchlist checks or when you associate an LS record.
You must case note, within the task:
all decisions you make when you examine an application on DAP
any checks you make using the Lost Stolen Recovered (LSR) system
any checks you make outside of DAP (for example, on G-search).
As part of your decision case note you must record all passports you find for the customer on HM Passport Office passport records or G-search. Below are examples of case notes for an application to replace a lost or stolen passport:
“Passport record history shows: Prev ppt [insert passport number] issued [insert date] - ADA – photo ID confirmed”
“G-search history shows: Prev ppt [insert passport number] issued [insert date] – ADA – no photo ID - 1st ppt”
DAP: if you have associated an LS record in error
When you have associated an LS record to the application, DAP will automatically update the timeline to show:
when and by who the lost and stolen record is associated
the lost and stolen reference number
If you have associated any LS record in error, you must select Disassociate from this application and add a case note to explain why.
DAP: how to create an LS record
Before you create an LS record, you must first search to see if an LS record already exists using wildcard searches if necessary. You must create a new LS record if the DAP search:
does not find an existing LS record matching the intended passport holder’s details on the passport they have declared lost or stolen
finds an existing LS record but it is:
already associated to a completed application in a terminal state
showing as ‘Failed’. You must check the reason it was failed in the case notes before creating a new record.
To create the LS record, you must first check the customer has provided all the information you need to complete an LS record.
If the customer has provided all the information you need to complete the Create lost or stolen record screen, you must:
1. Select Create lost or stolen record to open the LSR system in a new window.
2. Enter the information needed for the Create a lost or stolen record screen.
3. Only complete the Name of the person completing this form fields if the LS report is being made on behalf of a third party, for example a parent on behalf of a child or a vulnerable adult. You do not need to complete the Official use only section.
4. Select Save and continue.
5. Continue to deal with the lost or stolen record on LSR.
If the customer has not provided all of the information you need to complete the Create lost or stolen record screen, you must:
not continue to create the LS record
phone the customer to ask for more information
If you are unable to contact the customer, you must:
try to call them three times in a 24 hour period
put the application on hold for 24 hours and try again
send them lost or stolen letter (template Lost or stolen passport on the Comms builder) if you are still unable to contact the customer by phone
not select Save and continue if you do not have all the details completed (this prevents incomplete data being recorded)
When you use the Lost or stolen passport template you can request the customer to reply either by email (add your team mailbox) or by post with the information we need. We do not ask the customer to report the loss themselves as you, the examiner must complete the LS record in this instance. If the customer does not reply to your letter and reports the loss themselves, the application may be auto-withdrawn in error.
If the customer responds by email to your team mailbox, you must upload the customer’s reply (this will create a Documents received task for you, the examiner).
DAP: how to deal with a ‘Verified’ (created) LS record
If you have accessed a ‘Verified’ LS record on the LSR system, you must check the notes on the Lost and stolen notes screen to decide if you can continue to process the LS record and the application.
You must check:
the LSR team are not already dealing with the record
the Counter Fraud team (CFT) are not investigating the record
you have all the information you need to deal with the LS record
If you have created or accessed the record, you must phone the customer to ask for more information if they have not provided all the information you need to deal with the LS record. If you are unable to contact the customer, you must:
* try to call the customer three times in a 24-hour period
put the application on hold for 24-hours and try again
send them a lost or stolen letter requesting the information that you need, if you are still unable to contact the customer by phone (for example letter Lost or stolen passport or 513 on the Comms builder)
If you can continue to deal with the LS record and have all the information you need, you must:
1. Select Work on this record to continue with the application.
2. Using the Passport search function, enter the customer’s details in the search fields.
3. Select Search.
4. Select the passport record matching the customer’s details.
5. Check the details on the passport record matches with the customer’s details on the LS record.
6. If the passport record matches with the details on the LS record, select the Link to passport record option.
7. Select Continue.
8. Select Yes, I want to cancel the passport.
9. Add a free text note to explain:
why you are cancelling the passport
the LS record has been passed and associated to the application
any authorisation or consent received on the DAP application
10. Select Submit.
11. Close the LSR system tab and return to the DAP application.
12. Complete the DAP Lost or stolen passport task.
DAP: when you cannot complete the ‘Verified’ LS record
If after checking the Lost and stolen notes screen, you cannot continue with the application because CFT are investigating, you must:
1. Select Add a new note.
2. Enter a free text note to ‘referred to CFT, do not fail without reference to CFT’ (include the application reference number of the replacement application).
3. Select Save.
4. Close the LSR system window and return to DAP.
5. Add a case note to DAP to explain why you cannot continue with the application.
6. Refer the application to CFT.
DAP: when the LSR team are working on the ‘Verified’ record
If the Lost and stolen notes screen shows a message telling you the LSR team is currently working on the LS record, you must check the time and date they started working on it.
If the LSR team member began working on the record:
within the last hour, you must put the DAP application on hold and make a note to check the application again after 1 hour (or the next working day)
more than an hour ago, you must select Work on this record and continue to deal with the LS record and application
If you begin to work on the record but are unable to complete it, you must add an LS note to state:
the actions you have taken (for example, requested consent documents)
‘examiner dealing, do not fail record’
You must request any documents you require from the customer, even if the LSR team have also requested them. This will reduce any delays processing the application.
When the LSR team complete the LS record, the message telling you they are working on it will automatically delete. If the message still exists, when you check again, you must select Work on this record and continue to deal with the LS record and application.
DAP: Interview appointment task on a lost or stolen application
DAP will automatically create an Interview appointment task on UK adult lost or stolen applications. You must:
1. Select the No: interview not required button.
2. Add a case note to show all the actions and decisions you made.
DAP will refer the application to an operational team leader (OTL) for authorisation because of your decision to override the interview.
You, the OTL, you must deal with the application using the DAP: quality checking guidance. This states you do not need to quality assure the other tasks which appear on these applications unless:
other guidance makes a quality assurance check mandatory
you have a member of staff who needs more assurance checks
AMS: dealing with a lost or stolen passport application
This section tells HM Passport Office AMS (Application Management System) examination staff how to examine an application to replace a lost or stolen passport for an adult or child.
If you are dealing with an application on AMS (Application Management System) and the customer has reported their passport as lost or stolen, in addition to identity, nationality, and entitlement checks, you must:
1. Make sure the explanation for the loss is reasonable and you do not need to do more checks.
2. Check you have the correct authorisation and consent to cancel a child or vulnerable adult’s lost or stolen passport.
3. Search passport records (including, if needed, G: Search) for the customer’s passport records and check the customer’s full passport history for discrepancies. For example:
checking for any undeclared previous names
checking if they hold more than one valid passport (to make sure you cancel the correct passport and request the correct documents to support the application)
4. Check if the customer has reported multiple passports lost or stolen.
5. Find or create an LS record (lost and stolen record) for the missing passport, making sure you:
confirm the loss details with the customer, or section 3 of a paper application
add the customer’s lost passport number issued to the previous passports held section
associate an LS record to the current application.
cancel the missing passport on passport records (by passing the LS record and making sure the LS record is associated with the correct passport (if the customer has a record of more than 1 passport on our records).
tell the customer we have cancelled their missing passport using letter 158 (accessed from the lost and stolen report)
AMS: how to case note a lost or stolen passport application
You must case note all checks and decisions you make when you examine an application on AMS. You must case note the actions you took to confirm the customer’s:
passport history
third party authorisation and consent (when someone else is reporting the loss or applying for the vulnerable adult or child passport)
You must record all passports you find for the customer on our passport records or G-search in your case note. Below are examples of case notes for an application to replace a lost or stolen passport:
“passport record wild card search and G-search search completed using [forename] and [surname]”
“Ppt [insert number] issued [insert date] declared lost on L [record number] associated to application”
“Passport record history shows: Prev ppt [insert passport number] issued [insert date] - ADA – photo ID confirmed
“G-search history shows: Prev ppt [insert passport number] issued [insert date] – ADA – no photo ID - 1st ppt”
“T158 letter sent as per guidance”
AMS: handling lost and stolen records
This section tells HM Passport Office staff how they can associate (link) or disassociate (unlink) a lost and stolen record (LS record) on an application on AMS (Application Management System), deal with failed LS records, create a LS record, cancel a lost or stolen passport, and avoid cancelling a passport in error.
If you are processing the application on AMS (Application Management System) you must make sure you take the required action with the lost and stolen (LS) record.
AMS: associating and disassociating an existing LS record
If AMS can match a customer’s application to an LS record, it will automatically associate it to the application.
When you deal with a passport application to replace a lost or stolen passport on AMS you must:
1. Check if AMS has already associated an LS record to the customer’s application and check the LS record is for the same customer.
2. Check the Lost and stolen and recovered (LSR) database for an existing LS record matching the application details (if one is not already associated) and associate the correct record to the application you are working on, making sure that you:
check the passport history
confirm that the passport you are linking to is the one identified in the loss report
3. Check the status of the customer’s LS record is ‘passed’. If not, you must:
complete the record if the status shows ‘queried’ or ‘verified’ if you have enough information to establish the correct authorisation and consent has been given
disassociate the record if the status shows ‘failed’
4. Create an LS record using the details on the customer’s application, or by contacting the customer (by phone or email) if the required details were not provided.
You must create an LS record using the details on the paper application regarding loss if the customer has not reported the missing passport on GOV.UK and a passed LS record does not exist.
When you are sure you have the customer’s passed LS record attached to their application, you can:
continue to examine the current application
issue a replacement passport
If AMS associates an LS record, the application will show a Disassociate LS button on the right-hand side of the examination screen. You must:
compare the details of the customer on the LS record with the one on the passport you have identified as being replaced
check you have associated the passed LS record with the application. If an incorrect record is associated to the application, you must disassociate the record and search for the correct one
If an Associate LS button shows on the right-hand side of the examination screen, it means there is no LS record linked to the application record. To associate the record, you must:
1. Click the Associate button (the LSR search screen will show).
2. Search for the correct LS record (in the relevant details, for example previous name).
3. Highlight the record you want to associate with the application.
4. Select LS button.
You must do more investigation if the LS record shows as:
If no LS record exists, you must create one.
AMS: how to deal with Query or Verified LS records
If there is an existing LS record for the passport with the status ‘Query’ or ‘Verified’ (awaiting action), you must:
1. Investigate the case notes to find out why the record has not been completed.
2. Resolve the issue by:
making sure the correct authorisation and consent has been obtained (if not you must request the documents needed to confirm)
3. Authenticate the LS record.
The LS record will now show against the relevant passport record.
AMS: if you find a failed LS record
If you find a failed LS record, you must check the case notes to find out why the record failed.
You must start the process again and:
1. Create a new LS record:
using the details provided in section 3 of a paper application
by phoning the customer to ask for the details we require
2. Authenticate the new LS record.
3. Associate the new LS record to the relevant passport record.
AMS: how to link the correct record to a passport
When a customer reports their passport missing on GOV.UK, we check passport records. Our Contact Centres, who deal with straightforward LS notifications, do not have access to G-search records. That means, if the customer’s most recent passport record is on G-search, our Contact Centres may incorrectly cancel the customer’s old passport record.
You, the examiner, must check that our Contact Centres have cancelled the correct passport. If the customer does not know their missing passport number, you must check G-search. For example, if the customer:
tells you they had a passport issued overseas
applies from overseas
was born overseas
If you discover the customer has another passport on G-search, you must place the application on hold while you await confirmation the record has been added to our passport records, and:
1. Create a new LS record (using the information from the LS record) and link it to the current application.
2. Make an LS note explaining what has happened, cross referencing the other passport and LS record.
3. Add the G-search record to our electronic passport records.
AMS: how to search for an existing LS record
You can search for an existing lost and stolen (LS) record on the AMS by:
LS record status (for example, ‘Awaiting Verification’)
You must make sure you also consider if the customer:
has reported a passport that is not showing on our passport records
holds multiple British nationalities
is a frequent traveller and holds multiple valid passports
holds a Diplomatic or Official passport
If you are unsure which passport the customer has declared lost or stolen, you must ask them for more information.
AMS: searching LS records by name or date of birth
To search for a lost and stolen (LS) record, you must use the Lost, stolen and recovered (LSR) search screen on AMS and case note the details of any wildcard search you do. To search the LS database, you must:
1. Click LSR Search from the Go to menu in the Global Toolbar.
2. Click LS from the drop-down menu.
3. Use a wildcard search for the customer’s surname and forename and include their full date of birth as per the details provided in the passport history.
4. Click Search to run the check and show the results. This will find the LS records in that name combination, including incomplete ones.
5. Click on the LS record that matches the information the customer has given us. AMS will automatically open the matching LS record if there is only 1 match. If there is more than 1 match, all the results will show in the lower part of the screen. You must select the correct record associated with the customer’s missing passport.
6. Incomplete LS records (and those sent from posts abroad) often have missing information (such as the customer’s date of birth). If you do not know the customer’s exact date of birth, you must search using a range of dates in the From and To fields, or by using the name only.
AMS: how to search LS records by status
Lost and stolen (LS) records can be at various stages of completeness, also known as status (for example, ‘Awaiting Verification’ and ‘Verified’). This search is available in the examiner role but must only be used by LSR team members who need to view work lists. To search for a record by status, you must click:
1. LSR Search from the Go to menu in the Global Toolbar.
2. LS from the drop-down menu in the Type box.
3. on the correct status from the drop-down menu in the Status box.
4. Search.
All records matching the search criteria will show in the lower part of the screen. You must click on the record that matches the customer’s details.
AMS: when to create an LS record
If there is no lost or stolen (LS) record linked to the lost or stolen passport and no live LS record to process, you must create a new one using the details on section 3 of an application or by contacting the customer for more information.
We must have a record of the customer’s passport on our electronic passport record in order to process an LS record.
If a passport record is not held on our passport records, you must check if you must add it, before you create an LS record and deal with the customer’s application. For example, the missing passport may have been issued abroad and does not currently show on HM Passport Office’s passport records.
AMS: what information you need to complete an LS record
Before you create a lost or stolen (LS) record, you must have the correct information. If you do not have it, you must contact the customer and ask for it. You will need:
the customer’s
missing passport number
title (if provided)
full name
date of birth
town of birth
country of birth
phone number
to know where the missing passport was issued (place of issue)
to know the reason for cancelling the passport (for example, was it lost, stolen, or is there another reason it is missing)
consent to cancel the missing passport from an adult passport holder (the representative) or the parent or guardian who gave parental consent for a missing child passport
If the application is to replace a child passport and another parent (or guardian with parental responsibility) declared it lost or stolen, you will also need to check if you need extra consent to cancel the missing passport.
AMS: checks you need to do before creating an LS record
Before you create a lost or stolen (LS) record, you must:
1. Make sure you have all the information you need to create an LS record.
2. Phone (or write) to the customer if you need more information to complete the record.
3. Search passport records to check if there is a record relating to the lost or stolen passport.
4. Compare the record details with the application details to confirm it is the correct passport record and check the:
issue date
passport notes
cancellation date
cancellation reason
5. Check if we issued another passport (if it has been cancelled) on our passport records and investigate why another one was issued (for example, was the identity hijacked or does the customer hold multiple passports).
If you cannot find a matching passport, you must contact the customer by phone or letter and ask:
if they were ever known by any other name
the date we issued their passport
where the passport was issued (for example, was it issued abroad)
for any other relevant details that may assist our search (for example, address at time of issue)
You must search our passport records (or G-search database) again with the details the customer has given you. If the passport record is not showing on our passport records, you must create an LS record and add the passport to our passport records, before you associate the LS record. You must forward the application to EAC for further checks if:
there is no subsequent passport found
you have concerns related to the passport record
there are any other risk indicators present
AMS: how to create and pass an LS record
You can create an LS record in AMS in 2 places by clicking the Create LS Record in the:
drop down menu in the Global Header toolbar (you can access this without an open application)
links menu from the application AMS examination screen (accessed through an open application)
If you are examining a replacement application and need to create an LS record for a missing passport, you must:
1. Open the customer’s application on screen.
2. Access the Create LS Record from the links menu on the examination screen to prompt the system to take the information from the customer’s application. The system will automatically complete the data fields:
telephone type
telephone number
passport number
date of birth
town of birth
country of birth
passport issued in UK (yes or no)
passport cancellation reason (lost, stolen, other)
3. Check the information automatically entered by the system is correct (against the passport record) in the mandatory fields:
date of birth
town of birth
country of birth
passport issued in UK, using the correct radio button Yes or No
lost, stolen, other value
passport cancellation reason (for example, ‘Lost by Holder’ or ‘Stolen’)
date of loss
country of loss
4. Remove the passport number from the Passport Number field (if the system has automatically entered it).
5. Check the customer’s details on the LS record match those on the passport they have declared lost or stolen. You must amend the details on the LS record if they do not match.
6. Select Yes in the Police Report section if the customer has reported their passport lost or stolen to the police and add any required detail, if known, in the additional fields.
7. Find the correct lost or stolen passport record and attach it to the LS record you have created.
8. Authenticate the LS record to cancel the passport on our passport records.
9. Add an LS note to outline your actions and decisions.
10. Send a letter to the customer telling them you have cancelled their old passport.
11. Scan any supporting correspondence on the application record.
AMS: how to attach a customer’s record to the LS record
To cancel the passport on our passport records, you must find the correct passport record and link it to the LS record you created to cancel the passport. You must:
1. Click Find Passport from the Next Actions menu in the Create LS record.
2. Click on the Passport Number of the correct passport record in the Passport Search Results section.
When you open the customer’s record details, you must compare it to the application to confirm it is the correct passport. If the record is not the correct one, you must:
click Close in the Next Actions menu
search for the correct passport record you want to cancel
AMS: how to authenticate an LS record and cancel a passport
When you have found the passport record you want to cancel, you must:
1. Click View Application from the Links menu (the screen will show details of the application record).
2. Click the Record Authentication link from the Next Action menu. The Authenticate Passport screen will display the message, ‘Please confirm this is the passport record you have authenticated against’.
3. Click Yes to open the Create Note screen.
4. Type a note to record the actions you have taken (for example, when you have checked a passport record) and click Submit to save the LS Note.
The system will show the Authenticate LS screen. You must:
1. Click on Pass Authentication from the Next Action menu - the Cancellation Passport screen will show the message, ‘Please note that once cancelled this passport cannot be re-instated. Is this the passport you wish to cancel?’
2. Click Yes - Cancel with letter and send a T158 letter.
AMS: how to tell the customer we have cancelled their passport
If you have created an LS record and cancelled a customer’s passport, you must:
1. Select Yes – cancel with letter.
2. Compose letter 158 (accessed from the lost and stolen report) to tell them:
we have cancelled their passport (with the required parental authority if it is a child’s passport)
they cannot use their passport if they find it
they must return the cancelled passport to us if they find it
we have issued a replacement passport
that we will issue a restricted validity passport, (this only applies if they have lost multiple passports)
3. Print the letter; the screen will display: ‘Correspondence generated for (LS Reference no) status of record updated to PBE.’
4. Send the letter to the customer by post to their address on the application.
AMS: how to tell a customer we have cancelled an old child passport
When you issue a new passport for a child, you must:
send letter 158 (accessed from the lost and stolen report) to the person who consented to the:
current application; and,
original passport (if this is a different person to the person currently applying and we know their address)
If you do not know the address of the person who originally consented (for example, because they are deceased, or the customer has a court order to cancel the passport) you do not need to send an AMS system letter.
AMS: how to cancel a passport without sending an additional letter
If a customer reports their passport lost or stolen on GOV.UK, we will automatically send them a text or email confirmation. You must only send them another letter if:
you created or passed the LS record
the application is to replace a lost or stolen child passport
additional consent was required (the person with parental responsibility will require a letter)
If you select Yes - Cancel no letter on the system, the Passed LS Record screen will display the message: ‘LS Record ………………. has been passed and associated to application number. Passport ……… has been cancelled.’
You must click OK. The application screen will display on the system.
AMS: how to stop or resolve an incorrect cancellation
To prevent cancelling a passport in error, you must check that the passport you are about to cancel is the one the customer has told us is missing. For example, you must check if the:
customer had another passport issued after the one they reported lost or stolen
LS record has been associated to the correct passport
You must:
make sure the passport recorded on the AMS application page is the same passport the customer reported as lost
make sure you do not cancel a valid passport in error (if the customer has multiple passports)
make sure the passport declared lost shows on the application screen
If the passport recorded on the AMS application page is not the same passport the customer reported as lost, you must deselect the Passport Cancel checkbox on AMS.
If you electronically cancel a passport record in error (for example, if an LS record is associated to the incorrect passport) it may be possible to reinstate it, if you identify it early. You must immediately refer to Reinstating a passport cancelled in error to see what you must do to correct the mistake.
LSR: dealing with recovered passports
This section tells HM Passport Office staff how to deal with applications where the customer has provided the passport they had previously reported lost or stolen
Customers may report their passport lost or stolen, later find it and send it to us as part of their passport application. We cannot renew the passport if the old passport has been electronically cancelled on our passport records as lost or stolen. You must ensure that the service type is replacement.
Recovered passports: DAP applications
DAP (Digital Application Processing) will create an Applicant passport not found or not in an issued state task, if the customer’s old passport is received for an application but is already cancelled on our passport records. Examiners must follow this guidance and update the document handling instructions to send the passport to the Peterborough LSR (lost, stolen recovered) team.
The passport may have been cancelled as part of an Emergency Travel Document (ETD) application, but it is not lost or stolen so the passport may be considered for renewal. The corners will have been cut at the point of ETD collection.
If the customer sends their recovered passport without submitting a passport application, the passport will be validated and recorded on ARD (Application Receive Domain). ARD will show the item as an orphan document which will be dealt with by users processing the tasks in the DAP Intervention Queue. These users will update the document handling instructions to send the passport to the Peterborough LSR team.
Dealing with a recovered passport on AMS
If you, the AMS (Application Management System) examiner, receive an application with a passport the customer has reported lost or stolen, you must:
not renew it
check we have not already issued a passport before you authorise a replacement
deal with the current application as a replacement (if we have not issued a passport)
associate a correct lost and stolen (LS) record to the application
When dealing with a recovered passport, you must consider the customer’s explanation about the recovery of their passport and:
refer the case to the Counter Fraud team (if you suspect fraud)
send the passport to the Peterborough LSR team (if you do not suspect fraud)
To deal with a recovered passport, you must:
1. Check the LS (lost, stolen) case notes.
2. Check our records for other passports we may have issued the customer.
3. Case note information about the recovery of the passport.
4. Check the application service type is correct and change it if you need to:
ask the customer for the correct passport (if we issued another passport)
associate the correct LS record (if you need to)
5. Examine the application using the correct service type.
You must only send the passport to the Peterborough LSR team if you do not suspect fraud.
You must send the passport to the Peterborough LSR team so they can create an R (recovered) record and update our passport records.
You must:
1. Explain on a telephone (TEB) search screen, how you recovered the passport and print out a copy of the screen.
2. Send the passport and the TEB search print-out to the Peterborough LSR team by internal post.
3. Add a case note to the application explaining what you have done.