
Contacting the learning records service (LRS) for help

How to contact the learning records service (LRS) for help, support, or to make a complaint.

Applies to England, Northern Ireland and Wales



The easiest and quickest way to resolve and concerns is to contact the learning records service (LRS) service desk.

When emailing the service desk, you should follow the data encryption and passphrase guidance to ensure you’re protecting learner data.

If you need to register for the LRS as a learning provider, local authority or awarding organisation (AO), you should use the relevant registration documents.

Updates to this page

Published 26 February 2014
Last updated 15 September 2021 show all updates
  1. Updated data encryption and passphrase guidance to make it easier to understand how to protect learner data when contacting the service desk. Updated guidance on how to contact the service desk to make it easier to read and more accessible.

  2. We have updated the data encryption and passphrase guidance.

  3. We have updated our contact details.

  4. Please note, the LRS organisation portal and web service operations will be unavailable from 8am Saturday, 20 until 8pm, Sunday, 21 October 2018. This is to carry out some essential maintenance work. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

  5. Please note, the LRS organisation portal and web service operations will be unavailable from 8am Saturday, 20 until 8pm, Sunday, 21 October 2018. This is to carry out some essential maintenance work. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

  6. New version of Data encryption and password guidance sheet for all users uploaded on 13 October 2017.

  7. Editorial message added to page on 9 March 2017.

  8. New version of Data encryption and passphrase guidance sheet to all users uploaded on 20 January 2017.

  9. Important information notice added to detail section of the page on 8 December 2016.

  10. New document - Data encryption and passphrase guidance sheet o all users - uploaded on 25 November 2016.

  11. New Service desk hours announced on Monday 1 December 2014.

  12. Minor editorial changes made to page on Thursday 6 March 2014

  13. First published.

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