LRS organisational portal
Guidance about accessing the LRS organisational portal and latest releases. Includes the monthly headline report for national learners aged 14+.
Applies to England, Northern Ireland and Wales
Access the Learning Records Service organisational portal.
Learners retain the same unique learner number (ULN) for accessing their personal learning record (PLR) throughout their lives whatever level of learning they attain and wherever they choose to undertake education, training and learning.
Each unique learner number (ULN) is issued and held by the LRS organisation portal. They are for people who use the numbers to index learner identity details as well as education and training qualifications within the PLR.
You can find your ULN on award certificates or results slips. If you cannot find it ask your current or previous learning provider to collect it from the LRS organisation portal or to create a ULN for you.
Monthly headline report
This report shows summary counts of 40 report lines that are grouped into 7 sub-sets as trends for the last 6 months.
The seven sub-sets include counts from:
- learner records
- bulk learner registration
- achievements data load
- organisations and user accounts
- search for learner by demographics
- verify learner
- search for learner by unique learner number (ULN)
Updates to this page
Published 27 February 2014Last updated 4 August 2021 + show all updates
We have published the LRS: monthly headline report July 2021.
We have published the LRS: monthly headline report June 2021.
We have published the LRS: monthly headline report for May 2021.
We have published the Learning Records Service: release 21.03.02.
We have published the LRS: monthly headline report February 2021.
We have published the LRS: monthly headline report January 2021.
We have published information about changes being made to the Learning Records Service.
We have published the LRS monthly headline report for December 2020.
We have updated the LRS web service certificate renewal document.
We have published the LRS monthly headline report for November 2020.
We have published the Learning Records Service: release 20.11.01.
We have published the Learning Records Service: release 20.09.01.
We have published the LRS: monthly headline report for June 2020.
We have published Learning Records Service: release 20.06.01.
We have published the LRS monthly headline report for May 2020.
We have published Learning Records Service: release 20.05.01.
We have published Learning Records Service: release 20.04.02.
We have removed the important notice about LRS maintenance as this has now been completed.
We have added information about planned maintenance to LRS between Thursday 5 March 2020 until Tuesday 10 March 2020.
We have published the Learning Records Service: release 2002.02 note.
We have published the Learning Records Service: release 2002.01.
We have published the Learning Records Service: release 2001.01.
We have published the Learning Records Service: release 1912.01.
We have published Learning Records Service: release 1911.01.
We have published the LRS: monthly headline report October 2019.
Learning Records Service: September headline report added to the page.
Release Note replaced with a newer version.
Please be aware that the LRS Organisational portal and Web services will be unavailable between 3pm today and 8am tomorrow morning. We apologies for any inconvenience this may cause
The LRS Portal will be unavailable from 4pm on Friday 20 September until 8am on Monday 23 September. This is as a result of some emergency maintenance that we have scheduled to resolve the slow performance issues with the LRS Portal. We apologise for any inconvenience caused during this outage.
We have published LRS: monthly headline report for August 2019.
We have published the LRS release note 1909.01
We have published information on the LRS web service certificate renewal.
We have published the LRS monthly headline report for July 2019.
We have published the Learning Records Service: release 1908.01.
We have published the Learning Records Service: release 1907.02.
We have published the LRS monthly headline report for June 2019.
We have published the Learning Records Service: release 1907.01.
We have updated the LRS monthly headline report.
Updated the LRS release note 1905.02
We have published the Learning Records Service: release 1905.01.
We have published the LRS monthly headline report for April 2019.
We have published details about the new LRS password reset self-service.
We have published Learning Records Service: release 1904.03.
We have published Learning Records Service: release 1904.02
We have published the LRS: monthly headline report March 2019.
We have published Learning Records Service: release 1904.01.
We've updated the learning record service release note.
We have published the LRS: monthly headline report February 2019.
We've updated the learning record service release note.
We have published information on the new LRS password reset self-service functionality which will be introduced shortly.
We have published the Learning Records Service: release 1902.02 note.
We have published the Learning Records Service: release 1902.01 and information about the new 3a batch schema.
We have published the monthly headline report for January 2019.
We have updated the information regarding release 2901.02 as the new 3a batch schema has been postponed until further notice.
We have published Learning Records Service: release 29.01.02 and information on the new 3a batch schema.
We have published the Learning Records Service: release 2201.01.
We have published the monthly headline report for December 2018.
We have published the Learning Records Service: release 1812.01.
We have published the LRS: monthly headline report for November 2018.
We have published information about LRS release 1811.02.
Updated LRS monthly headline report.
Added information about LRS release 1811.01
Updated LRS monthly headline report.
Added information about LRS release 1809.02
Updated LRS monthly headline report.
Updated LRS: monthly headline report
Updated LRS: monthly headline report
Updated monthly headline report
LRS organisation portal link updated
LRS organisation portal - updated.
New file titled LRS organisation portal - new URL uploaded on 20 November 2017. Also call to action added to detail section.
New document titled Data encryption and passphrase guidance sheet to all users uploaded on 25 November 2016.
First published.