
Macdonald Groundworks Ltd, and HRL & Waste Solutions Ltd

Decision of the Traffic Commissioner on Macdonald Groundworks Ltd & Waste Solutions Ltd.


Written Decision


The Traffic Commissioner made orders to:

  • revoke the operator licence held by Macdonald Groundworks Ltd with effect from 23:59 on 31 March 2019
  • refuse the variation applications made by Macdonald Groundworks Ltd
  • disqualify Macdonald Groundworks Ltd with effect from 23:59 on 31 March 2019 to 19 May 2022 from applying for or holding an operator’s licence in this or any other traffic area
  • issue a warning to HRL Scrap & Waste Solutions Ltd as to its fitness
  • reduce the authorisation on the operator licence held by HRL Scrao & Waste Solutions Ltd to 4 vehicles and 2 trailers *grant the application made by HRL Scrap & Waste Solutions Ltd to add new operating centres to the licence

The decision was made on 18 February 2019

Published 4 March 2019