
Maintenance Approved Organization Scheme (MAOS)

Military Aviation Authority (MAA) information and forms relating to the Maintenance Approved Organization Scheme (MAOS).


MAA MAOS form 2: application for MRP part 145 approval

MAA MAOS form 4: details of nominated personnel


The Maintenance Approved Organization Scheme (MAOS) is a means by which the Ministry of Defence (MOD) can assess the competency of organizations wishing to provide continuing airworthiness support services for military registered air systems or air system components.

It is MOD policy that all air domain platform and equipment delivery teams and front line commands (FLCs), where possible, contract for continuing airworthiness activities with organizations that are approved under the MAOS scheme. Details of the approval scheme are published in the Regulatory Article (RA) 4800 series, known as Military Aviation Authority Regulatory Publication part 145.

Please note: there is currently a limited mandated scope for the requirement for MRP part 145 approval. This limited scope is described in RA 1005.

For further information please contact the Continuing Airworthiness Team (CAw Team):

MAA Operating Assurance Group
CAw Team
Juniper 1, Wing 4 #5104
Abbey Wood North
BS34 8QW


Updates to this page

Published 19 November 2014
Last updated 1 March 2019 show all updates
  1. MAOS approval process, MAOS exposition template and MRP part 145 supplement have been removed for review.

  2. Links to form 2 and form 4 updated.

  3. The MAOS approved organisations list has been withdrawn and will be replaced by a common system covering all MAA approved design, maintenance and contractor flying organizations. Until the common system is in place any approvals queries should be sent via e-mail to

  4. First published.

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