
Continuing Airworthiness Management Organization (CAMO) approval: supporting documentation

Information for military aviation duty holders regarding their continuing airworthiness of their military air systems responsibilities.


MAA CAMO form 2: application for MRP part M approval

MAA CAMO form 4: details of nominated personnel

Anybodys CAME Template


Supporting documentation for military aviation Delivery Duty Holders (DDH) and Accountable Managers (Military Flying) (AM/MF) who shall execute their responsibilities for the continuing airworthiness of their military air systems through a Continuing Airworthiness Management Organization (CAMO) in accordance with Regulatory Article (RA) 1016.

CAMO regulations are detailed in the RA 4900 series.

For further information please contact the Continuing Airworthiness Team (CAw Team):

MAA Operating Assurance Group
CAw Team
Juniper 1, Wing 4 #5104
Abbey Wood North
BS34 8QW


Updates to this page

Published 19 November 2014
Last updated 2 May 2024 show all updates
  1. A new version of the Anybodys CAME Template has been published.

  2. A new version of the Anybodys CAME Template has been published.

  3. CAMO application process, CAMO checklist, guidance for CAMO application and military anybodys CAME have been removed for review.

  4. Link to form 2 updated.

  5. A new CAMO Approval Application Form and a CAMO Corrective Action Report (CAR) template has been published

  6. First published.

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