
Contractor Flying Approved Organization Scheme (CFAOS)

Information about the Military Aviation Authority (MAA) contractor flying approved organization scheme (CFAOS).


Guidance for CFAOS application

CFAOS form 2: application for CFAOS approval

CFAOS form 4: management personnel

CFAOS operations manual template

CFAOS contractor flying organisation exposition (CFOE) template


CFAOS is the mechanism by which competence of defence contractor flying organisations is assured in accordance with Regulatory Article (RA) 1028.

A defence contractor flying organisations should be an approved organisation in accordance with RA 1028.

Please note: any specimen documents prepared by the MAA are for the guidance of those organisations applying for CFAOS. It is the applicant organisations responsibility to ensure evidence submitted in support of their application is to the latest MAA regulatory publications.

View a list of approved organisations within the scheme.

For further information please contact the CFAOS team:

MAA Operating Assurance
Juniper Level 1 Wing 3 # 5102
Abbey Wood North
BS34 8QW


Updates to this page

Published 19 November 2014
Last updated 29 October 2024 show all updates
  1. Version 13 of the CFAOS contractor flying organisation exposition template has been published.

  2. Version 8 of the Guidance for CFAOS application and Version 12 of the CFAOS contractor flying organisation exposition (CFOE) template have been published.

  3. Version 23.0 of the CFAOS operations manual template has been published.

  4. Version 22.0 of the CFAOS Operations Manual Template has been published.

  5. CFAOS operations manual template, CFOE template and guidance for CFAOS approvals have been updated.

  6. Guidance for CFAOS application version 5 has been published.

  7. Guidance for CFAOS application, operations manual template and CFOE template have been updated.

  8. CFAOS faqs, guidance for CFAOS application, operations manual template and CFOE template have been updated.

  9. Links to form 2 and form 4 updated.

  10. Change to email and postal address.

  11. CFAOS frequently asked questions, Guidance for CFAOS application, CFAOS compliance matrix, CFAOS operations manual template, CFAOS contractor flying organisation exposition template have all been updated.

  12. CFAOS operations manual and CFAOS compliance matrix have been updated.

  13. CFAOS Operations Manual updated.

  14. Updated attachments: CFAOS operations manual, Guidance for CFAOS application, CFAOS Compliance Matrix, CFAOS FAQs, CFAOS Template, CFAOS Form 2 and CFAOS Form 4

  15. CFAOS FAQs, Compliance Matrix, Guidance for Approval, Form 2 and Form 4 have all been updated

  16. link added to the list of MAA approved organisations

  17. New versions of the CFAOS compliance matrix (version 13), operations manual (version 12) and CFOE template (version 5) have been published.

  18. New versions of the CFAOS compliance matrix (version 12) and operations manual (version 11) have been published.

  19. New versions of the CFAOS compliance matrix (version 11) and operations manual (version 10) have been published.

  20. New versions of the CFAOS compliance matrix (version 10) and operations manual (version 9) have been published.

  21. New versions of the CFAOS compliance matrix (version 9), operations manual (version 8) and CFOE template (version 4) have been published.

  22. The CFAOS compliance matrix has been updated to version 8 and the CFAOS operations manual template has been updated to version 7.

  23. The CFAOS compliance matrix, guidance for CFAOS application, CFAOS CFOE template, CFAOS operations manual template and CFAOS FAQ have been updated.

  24. CFAOS compliance matrix and CFAOS operations manual template updated.

  25. New versions of the CFAOS Compliance Matrix (version 5), Operations Manual (version 4) and CFOE Template (version 2) have been published.

  26. First published.

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