Management of adults at risk in immigration detention
Detention services order 08/2016 about the care and management of adults at risk in immigration detention.
Home Office detention services order for staff and suppliers on the care and management of detainees deemed to be adults at risk while in detention.
Updates to this page
Added an accessible version of Annex B: vulnerable adult care plan and toolkit.
Updated to reflect standard changes and updates to the adults at risk in immigration detention policy, also added Annex A: vulnerable adult warning form and Annex B: vulnerable adult care plan and toolkit.
Updated the guidance.
Removed document reference number from annexes and removed email address from the bottom of annex A.
Amended paragraph 15: All staff operating in immigration removal facility should complete the most up to date AaR training, provided by DES in support of this DSO, to ensure colleagues are well informed and aware of any changes to the policy and guidance.
Updated guidance published.
Guidance document updated.
Updated guidance.
First published.