
Detention services orders

Detention services orders for Home Office officials.

This collection contains detention services orders. These are instructions outlining procedures to be followed by Home Office staff.


Updates to this page

Published 23 January 2014
Last updated 20 January 2025 + show all updates
  1. Added the interim operational instruction on care and management of transgender detained individuals.

  2. Added detention services order 03/2022 about the care and management of potential and confirmed victims of modern slavery in detention.

  3. Added link to 02/2022 'Interpretation services and use of translation devices' to the collection page.

  4. New DSO added on mental vulnerability and immigration detention

  5. Updated to add guidance on Whistleblowing and the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 (c.23).

  6. Added new DSO on detainee access to video call service.

  7. Added new staff guidance for dealing with coronavirus (COVID-19) in immigration removal centres and residential short-term holding facilities.

  8. New DSO on multi-agency public protection arrangement (MAPPA).

  9. Detainee escort records added to the collection.

  10. "Management and security of night state" document added.

  11. Added new detention services order 4/2017 on surveillance camera systems. Removed detention services order 2/2006 on releasing detainees by IS106 release orders, now superseded by new detention services order 1/2018 on the release of detainees from immigration detention.

  12. New DSO on Removal from association and temporary confinement.

  13. New guidance on Gatwick pre departure accommodation arrangements.

  14. New guidance added: management of adults at risk in immigration detention.

  15. New dentention service order on the detention rule 35 process.

  16. DSO 07/2016 "Use of restraints for escorted moves" added.

  17. DSO 06/2016 'Women in detention' added.

  18. DSO 04/2016 'Internet access for detainees' added.

  19. DSO 03/2016 'Considering detainee placement' added.

  20. Detention service order 02/2016 added on lesbian, gay and bisexual detainees.

  21. New dentention service order 1/16 on medical information sharing.

  22. Removal of routine dental appointments for detainees in removal centres guidance.

  23. New guidance on reporting and communicating incidents out of hours added.

  24. New detention service order (DSO) 4/2015 on unescorted domestic shuttle flights.

  25. New dention service order on regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA).

  26. Updated guidance documents.

  27. Added DSOs to collection

  28. added Detention Services Order: Security Information Reports

  29. New DSO on medical emergency response codes.

  30. New risk assessment guidance for contracted escort staff.

  31. New detention service order on risk assessment guidance for escorted moves.

  32. New detention service order on risk assessment guidance for escorted moves.

  33. Updated

  34. First published.