Reporting and communicating incidents
Detention services order 05/2015 about reporting and communicating incidents in detention centres.
Home Office detention services order on reporting and communicating incidents in detention centres and during in country and overseas escorting (including charter flights).
Updates to this page
Updates: clarified reporting requirements (including initial notification requirements); updated red and amber incident copy lists; included detail around raising a critical incident; included incident type list; self-audit section added. Annex A: reporting template has been incorporated into the new version.
Added accessible versions of documents.
Updated reporting and communicating incidents in the immigration detention estate guidance, April 2021.
Updated to include the distribution of roles between compliance teams and DETs; taken out of hours element to include incidents at all hours.
Updated guidance.
Updated detention services order 05/2015.
Updated DSO 05/2015.
Updated guidance.
First published.