Reception and induction checklist and supplementary guidance
Detention services order 06/2013 about the reception and induction checklist and supplementary guidance.
Home Office detention services order to provide centre operators with a checklist and additional guidance on specific areas to be covered during the process of admitting individuals to:
- immigration removal centres
- residential short term holding facilities
- cedars pre departure accommodation
Updates to this page
Updated with minor amendments to Annex F.
Document updated to reflect the following: what assistance is provided to detained individuals being released/discharged on bail to no fixed abode; the process when detained individuals arrive on an open ACDT/VACP; the removal of Annex G (mini induction); information pertaining to destitute payments for those departing on a charter flight; addition of postal order lines; additions and amendments of smoking cessation and vaping rules; additions regarding the Detained Duty Advice Scheme (DDAS); self-audit section added.
Updated Annex F of the guidance.
Updated guidance published.
Document updated including the property waiver form, induction of adults at risk, next of kin details and voluntary departures.
Updated guidance.
First published.