
Air Defence Range Manorbier November 2024

Updated 22 August 2024

Firing times

Firing is due to take place during the following periods:

There is live firing planned from 25 to 29 November.

The dates and timings are correct at the time of publication, but they may change.

Your safety

Do not enter the danger area when live firing is taking place.

When the range is active, Practice and Exercise Area (PEXA) Warning Broadcasts will be given on very high frequency (VHF) channels 16 and 73 at 8.30am, 2.30pm, and at the end of each day’s activity.

Learn more about accessing MOD training areas safely.

Contact us (firing)

When the range is active, contact the Control Tower on 01834 870105.

At all other times please phone 01834 870104 (Commandant) or 01834 871282 or listen to a recorded message on 01834 870098.

Contact us (low flying)

Phone the RAF Community Relations Officer on 01874 613889 or email:

Mailing list

If you would like to receive timings via email, please contact:

Access and location

Read more about Air Defence Range (ADR) Manorbier access and location.