Measuring Instruments Directives: gap analysis.
Analysis: differences between the current Directive 2004/22/EC and the new Directive 2014/32/EU, for measuring instruments.
This document provides a gap analysis, conducted by the National Measurement and Regulation Office, of the diferences between the current measuring instruments Directive (MID) 2004/22/EC and the new Directive 2014/32/EU.
The analaysis is provided to assist manufacturers of weighing and measuring instruments who may require type examination under Annex B or manufacturers declaration of conformity under the applicable conformity assessment annex.
Updates to this page
Amendment of text relating to changes and implications for Manufacturers and Notified Bodies, in respect of quality assurance of the production process - Annex D1 - Annex II, Module D1.
Update to information in gap analysis document.
Correction to incorrect title in attachment and references to obligations of manufacturers; authorised representatives; importers and distributors.
First published.