NAWI: non-automatic weighing instruments Directives gap analysis.
Analysis: differences between the current Directive 2009/23/EC and the new Directive 2014/31/EU, for non-automatic weighing instruments.
This document provides a gap analysis, conducted by the National Measurement and Regulation Office, on the differences between the current non-automatic weighing instruments Directive (NAWI) 2009/23/EC and the new Directive 2014/31/EU.
The analysis is provided to assist manufacturers of weighing and measuring instruments who may require type examination or manufacturers declaration of conformity under under Annex II of the Directive.
Updates to this page
Amendment of text relating to changes and implications for Manufactures and Notified Bodies, in respect of quality assurance of the production process - Annex II, 2 with Chapter 2 Article 9, 1 (a) clause - Annex II, 3; Conformity based on product verification - Annex II, 3 with Chapter 2 Article 9, 1 (a) clause - Annex II, 5 and Conformity based on unit verification - Annex II, 4 - Annex II, 6.
Update to references in Non-automatic weighing instruments Directives - gap analysis
Amendment to gap analysis spreadsheet.
Gap analysis on the differences between the current Directive 2009/23/EC and the new Directive 2014/31/EU, for non-automatic weighing instruments.
First published.