
Method for calculating the energy performance of buildings: notice of approval

Approved methodologies that can be used to produce Energy Performance Certificates and Display Energy Certificates.

Applies to England and Wales



This notice of approval sets out the approved national calculation methodologies for calculating the energy performance of buildings in England and for certain buildings in Wales. It comes into effect on the 31 October 2018 and replaces the notice of approval published in June 2014.

In respect of air conditioning inspection reports the software is approved as fit for commercial use in its current state and form to generate an inspection report.

Earlier versions of the methodologies may continue to be used in respect of building work started on site before 31 October 2018; or where a notification of building work has been given before 31 October 2018 and the building work is commenced on site before 31 October 2019.

These approved methodologies and software programs continue to take effect until withdrawn by the Secretary of State or is superseded.

The Building Regulations 2010: notice of approval sets out the national approved calculation methodologies for CO2 emissions, fabric energy efficiency and energy performance certificates for new buildings in England, and for certain buildings in Wales.

Updates to this page

Published 2 October 2008
Last updated 31 October 2018 show all updates
  1. Added new notice of approval.

  2. Added updated version of "Calculating the energy performance of buildings".

  3. Added text to highlight the introduction of a new notice of approval which comes into effect on the 6 April 2014.

  4. First published.

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