MGN 659 (M+F) Entry into enclosed spaces
Amendment 1 provides information on the entry into enclosed spaces regulations 2022 and exemptions available, within annex D, E and F of this notice.
This notice should be read in conjunction with the merchant shipping and fishing vessels (entry into enclosed spaces) regulations 2022, the code of safe working practices for merchant seafarers (in particular chapter 15 entering enclosed (dangerous) spaces), codes of practice for the safety of fishing vessels and MGN 311 (F) working and protective gear for fishermen and replaces MGN 659.
Notice to:
- shipowners
- fishing vessel owners
- ship operators
- managers and other employers of seafarers and masters
- officers
- skippers and other workers
- paid crew and self-employed persons working on board merchant ships and fishing vessels
- classification societies
- certifying authorities
- test houses and competent persons
The merchant shipping and fishing vessels (entry into enclosed spaces) regulations 2022 (“the 2022 regulations”) come into force for ships to which the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Convention 1974 applies, on the 14 May 2022 and for other ships, including fishing vessels, on the 14 May 2023 and revoke the merchant shipping (entry into dangerous spaces) regulations 1988 (“the 1988 Regulations”).
This notice supports the interpretation of the 2022 regulations. Quotation of the 2022 regulations has been made at sections to which the guidance refers. However, this document is for guidance only and the full statutory instrument should be referred to, to ensure compliance.
This notice incorporates guidance published in International Maritime Organization ((IMO) Resolution A/1050(27) entering enclosed spaces on board ships.
Information has been provided on risk assessments, procedures, drills, carriage of atmosphere testing equipment, and training of seafarers for their safety and awareness of the 2022 regulations. It is recommended to refer to the code of safe working practices (COSWP) or the codes of practice for the safety of fishing vessels as well as the 2022 regulations to develop suitable procedures for enclosed space entry.