
Active marine guidance notes (MGNs)

A collection of active marine guidance notes, published by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA).

MGNs: 000s

MGNs 1 to 99.

MGNs: 100s

MGNs 100 to 199.

MGNs: 200s

MGNs 200 to 299.

MGNs: 300s

MGNs 300 to 399.

MGNs: 400s

MGNs 400 to 499.

MGNs: 500 to 549

MGNs 500 to 599.

MGN 550 to 599

M GN 550 to 599

MGN 600s

MGNs from 600

MGNs: 700s

Updates to this page

Published 6 May 2014
Last updated 28 March 2025 show all updates
  1. MGN 608 removed MGN 608 A1 added

  2. MGN 702 - removed MGN 702 A1 added

  3. MGN 610 A1 added MGN 610 removed

  4. Added MGN 477 (M) amendment 5 MLC 2006 seafarer's employment agreements to the collection.

  5. Removed MGN 675. Added MGN 675 A1.

  6. MGN 319 A1 removed MGN 319 A2 added

  7. Added MGN 705

  8. Addition of new MGN 704 (M+F) Prevention of Oil Pollution: Prohibition on the Use, and Carriage for Use, of Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) in Arctic Waters

  9. Deleted MGN627 Amd 1 and added MGN627 Amd 2

  10. MGN 364 A1 removed MGN 364 A2 added

  11. MGN 599 A1 added. MGN 599 removed

  12. MGN 630 A4 added MGN 630 A3 removed

  13. MGN675 added to collection

  14. MGN 702 added to collection.

  15. Added MGN548 Amendment 1 and removed previous version, MGN548.

  16. Add MGN 698, 699 and 700. Remove MGN 107, 146, 284 and 576.

  17. MGN 632 (M+F) Amendment 2 replaces MGN 632 (M+F) Amendment 1

  18. MGN 35 Amendment 1 and MGN 685 added.

  19. MGN 619 A1 removed and replaced by MGN 619 A2

  20. MGN 588 A1 removed MGN 588 A2 added

  21. MGN 332 Amendment 2 removed and replaced by MGN 332 Amendment 3

  22. MGN 331 Amendment 2 removed and replaced by MGN 331 Amendment 3

  23. MGN 484 Amendment 3 removed and replaced by MGN 484 Amendment 4

  24. MGN 553 removed MGN 553 A1 added

  25. MGN 398 removed and replaced by MGN 398 Amendment 1

  26. MGN 539 A1 removed MGN 539 A2 added

  27. MGN 506 removed and replaced by MGN 506 Amendment 1. MGN 321 removed and replaced by MGN 321 Amendment 1.

  28. MGN 696 and MGN 369 Amendment 1 added. MGN 369 Removed.

  29. MGN 563 A1 removed and replaced by MGN 563 A2

  30. MGN 638 removed and replaced by MGN 638 A1. MGN 660 added.

  31. Added MGN 657.

  32. MGN 301 removed and replaced by MGN 301 Amendment 1

  33. MGN 628 removed and replaced by MGN 628 Amendment 1

  34. MGN 416 removed and replaced by MGN 416 Amendment 1

  35. MGN 639 added to collection.

  36. MGN 550 removed and replaced by MGN 550 Amendment 1

  37. MGN 546 (M) replaced with MGN 546 (M) Amendment 1 - In-water surveys.

  38. MGN 689 added to collection

  39. MGN 692 ADDED

  40. MGN 691 (M) added

  41. MGN 469 removed and replaced by MGN 469 Amendment 1

  42. Addition of new MGN 686 (M+F) eligibility for british seaman’s card

  43. MGN 562 A3 removed and replaced by 562 A4

  44. MGN 690 added

  45. MGN 627 removed , A1 added. MGN 323 removed. A1 added

  46. MGN 379 removed and replaced by MGN 379 A1

  47. Amendment 2 is to replace the current version on GOV.UK which contains old references and contact information.

  48. Added MGN635 to the collection.

  49. MGN 664 removed and replaced by MGN 664 Amendment 1

  50. Added MGN 673 (M+F) as a replacement to MSN 1810 (M+F)

  51. MGN 631 removed and replaced by MGN 631 A1

  52. MGN 653 removed and replaced with MGN 653 A1

  53. MGN 434 Amendment 1 removed and replaced by MGN 434 Amendment 2

  54. Updated to reflect current marine guidance notices.

  55. MGN 651 added

  56. MGN 668 removed and replaced by MGN 668 Amendment 1

  57. Updated MCA active marine guidance notices.

  58. MGN's 666 and 667 added

  59. Addition of MGN 681 (M) Fire safety and storage of small electric powered craft on yachts

  60. Updated to include MGN 370 (M+F) amendment 1 the Dreadnought medical service, St Thomas' Hospital London.

  61. MGN 276 and MGN 374 removed and replaced by MGN 276 Amendment 1 and MGN 374 Amendment 1

  62. MGN's 394 and 400 removed and replaced by MGN's 394 Amendment 1 and 400 Amendment 1.

  63. Addition of MGN 683 (M+F) - IMO Carbon Reduction Measures and Removal of MGN 462 (M+F) which this new MGN supersedes.

  64. MGN 684 added to collection page

  65. Addition of MGN663 (F)

  66. MGN 319 removed and replaced with MGN 319 Amendment 1

  67. MGN 670 and MGN 671 added

  68. MGN 676 added

  69. MGN 536 (M) Amendment 4 safety management code for domestic passenger ships removed

  70. MGN 536 Amendment 5 added to collection page

  71. MGN 375 removed and MGN 375 amendment 1 added

  72. MGN 677 added

  73. MGN 627 added


  75. MGN 679

  76. MGN 372 removed and replaced by MGN 372 A1

  77. MGN 630 A3 added

  78. Updated MGN 90 (M) Manual handling operations

  79. Added MGN 680 as new doc

  80. MGN 349 removed and replaced by MGN 349 A1

  81. Updated list to include MGN 503 Amendment No.1 (F) Procedure for Carrying out Small Fishing Vessel Stability Tests.

  82. MGN 562 A2 removed and replaced by MGN 562 A3

  83. MGN 515 removed and replaced by MGN 674

  84. Added new document - MGN 653 (M) Electric vehicles onboard passenger roll-on/roll-off (ro-ro) ferries

  85. MGN 645 added

  86. MGN 605 A1 added and MGN 605 removed

  87. MGN 570 removed and replace by MGN 570 A1

  88. removed MGN 294 Amendment 1

  89. MGN 70 New Annex has been upload

  90. MGN 649 removed and replaced by MGN 649 A1

  91. deleted MGN 487 amendment 1 and added MGN 487 Amendment 2

  92. added MGN 664

  93. added MGN 401 Amendment 3 and removed MGN 401 Amendment 2 added MGN 324 Amendment 2and removed MGN 324 Amendment 1

  94. MGN 306 (M) Amendment 1 added to collection

  95. added MGN 529

  96. MGN 641 A1 added

  97. MGN 665 (m+f) added

  98. Added MGN637(M)

  99. added MGN 641

  100. added MGN 661

  101. UPLOADED MGN 662

  102. Replaced MGN 364 with MGN 364 Amendment 1

  103. Addition of MGN 588 Amendment 1 and removal of MGN 588

  104. uploaded MGN 535 Amendment 1 and removed MGN 535

  105. Latest published MGNs listed: MGN 353 Amendment 1, MGN 475 Amendment 1, MGN 583 Amendment 1, and MGN 658.

  106. MGN 558 removed from collection page and MGN 558 Amendment 1 put in its place

  107. MGN 558 amendment 1 added

  108. Added MGN656 to the collection page

  109. Added MGN 554 Amendment 1 to collection page and removed MGN 554

  110. Updated to include MGN 486 amendment 2 access to shore based welfare facilities.

  111. Updated to reflect MGN 600 Amendment 2

  112. Uploaded MGN 440 Amendment 1

  113. MGN 654 uploaded

  114. Updated to include latest MGNs and amendments.

  115. MGN 652 added to collection

  116. Collection page updated to reflect the latest published marine notices up to MGN 650.

  117. Added MGN 543 to collection

  118. MGN 570 and MGN 581 added

  119. Updated to include, MGN 591 Safe means of access to fishing vessels and small vessels in ports and MGN 592 Mooring, towing or hauling equipment on all vessels: safe installation and safe operation

  120. Updated to include MGN 593 Health and safety chemical agents regulations 2010 amended

  121. Updated to include MGN 480 (M) Amendment 2 MLC 2006 Ship owners liabilities and seafarer compensation

  122. Updated to include MGN 590 (M+F) STCW Manila amendments alcohol limits

  123. MGN 572 added to list

  124. MGN 579 added

  125. Updated to include - MGN 577 Overside working on vessels and MGN 578 Maintenance of lists of crew ashore

  126. Addition of mgn 570 & mgn 571

  127. Updated M notices

  128. MGN 324 Amendment 1 Watchkeeping Safety - VHF Radio & AIS, MGN 562 Amendment 1 Radio Regulations and GMDSS Radio Equipment Updates

  129. MGN 562 & MGN 563 added to list.

  130. Updated MGN 566 (M+F) STCW Manila Amendments: Medical Certification, Hours of Work and Alcohol Limits

  131. MGN 565 (M) (Corrigendum) Manila Amendments: Medical Certification, Hours of Work and Alcohol Limits for Seafarers

  132. MGN 565 STCW Manila Amendments: Medical Certification, Hours of Work and Alcohol Limits

  133. MGN 520 (M) added to list

  134. Two new MGN uploaded (MGN 554 & 557)

  135. MGN 559 (M +F) added

  136. MGN 472 (M) Corrigendum added

  137. MGN 556 added

  138. Included MGN 547 & MGN 552

  139. MGN 542 uploaded

  140. MGN 472 - MLC 2006; Guidance on the procedure for applying for a Substantial Equivalence.

  141. MGN 540 and MGN 541 uploaded

  142. Update MGN 539 (M) Carriage of the Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seafarers

  143. Update MGN 536 (M) Safety Management Code For Domestic Passenger Ships

  144. MGN 477(M) Maritime Labour Convention, 2006: Seafarers' Employment Agreements

  145. MGN 530 (M+F) Radio Log Book: Merchant Shipping and Fishing Vessels.

  146. MGN 219 (M) added & MGN 219c removed

  147. MGN 532 (M) & MGN 532 (M) Corrigendum MGN 533 (M) & MGN 533 (M) Corrigendum

  148. MGN 510 and MGN 529 uploaded

  149. MGN 532 (M) Safe movenent on board ship & MGN 533 Means of access - amendments in progress.

  150. New MGN 531 (M) Cargo stowage and securing

  151. Addition MGN 532 (M) Safe movement on board ship MGN 533 (M) Means of Access

  152. MGN 473 added to the collection 30/12/2014

  153. MGN 490,491, 525 and 528 added

  154. MGN 527(M) added 05 11 14

  155. MGN 470 added (29 10 14)

  156. MGN 524(M&F) added 07.10.14

  157. MGN 519(M) Life-Saving Appliances - Controlled Means of Descent at Embarkation Stations - Replacement for Embarkation Ladders and Access to Remotely Located Liferafts added on 30 September 2014

  158. Collection edited

  159. MGN 522 (M&F) added 4 September 2014

  160. MGN 518(M) added (14/08/14)

  161. MGN 481(M) added (13/08/14)

  162. MGN 515 & MGN 516 added (31/07/14)

  163. MGN 517(M) MLC Substantially equivalent accommodation standards for Large Commercial Yachts of 3000 GT to less than 5000 GT now added

  164. MGN 475 added 22/07/14

  165. MGNs relating to MLC added (16/07/14)

  166. MGN 511(M), MGN 512(M), MGN 513(M) & MGN 514(M) added

  167. First published.